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Modified Beta 14b templates

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Author A revised version of the beta 14b Report Generator templates
Posted Saturday, October 8, 2005 - Post #8796
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I have attached revised template files that modify the 14b templates as follows:
 1. Add option to remove family details from individual HTML pages and replace with a link to the associated family page (fHideFamilyDetails in config.xml).
2. Change family page to add summary details of each partner as well as the children. Also change references to wife and husband to partner/wife and partner/husband respectively.
3. If marriage, divorce or separation data is not present then use the family 'relation' field to describe the relationship (see changed Enumerations section of Dictionary).
4. Change Dictionary Enumerations of CauseOfDeath to improve grammar.
5. Add option to not display the marriage type (i.e. religious, civil) in marriage details (fHideMarriageType in config.xml).
6. Deal with the case of one grandparent.
7. Provide for past & present education & occupation. (set 'duration' = 'current' for present education & occupation.

As always, there is probably still a bug or three in my code, but that's what beta testing is for!

If you want to try them, I suggest you start with a new folder containing copies of the beta 14b templates, then overwrite the corresponding files with my updated versions. To download, right click on each attachment and click 'save target as'


'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Dictionary.xml (450 views, 20.90 KB)

Edited: Friday, October 21, 2005 by GenoProSupport
Posted Sunday, October 9, 2005 - Post #8803
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Ron, congratulations on the improvements in the language - so far I have not found any errors. I do not particularly like the use of partner/husband or partner/wife in the Individual HTML as I feel the appropriate designation could be picked up from the 'Relation' box under Family Properties; however, when multiple relationships are involved I can see that there may be problems.

There is just one small bug I have found - the links to children in the Individual HTML do not work - there appears to be a double reference to ind0000xx.htm#ind0000yy.htm, where ind0000xx is the id of the individual being viewed, and ind0000yy is the id of the child.

Posted Sunday, October 9, 2005 - Post #8808
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Thanks and well done, this is exactly what I had hoped for. Tongue

Just one small thing, I noticed that all the links work except the children on the individual. html .Ermm

Perhaps an oversight?

Posted Sunday, October 9, 2005 - Post #8809
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Yes this was an oversight, the links were still referencing the child on the individual (parent) page and they are no longer there if fHideFamilyDetails is set to "Y". Just a small tweak to lang.vbs cures it, as Dan had all the required code in place all ready. I've updated the attachments above with the amended lang.vbs file.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Sunday, October 9, 2005 - Post #8810
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Thanks again Ron,

This time it is perfect and I will now tweek the fonts etc and then I will at last be able to create a new tree for my web site with all the latest updates! (long overdue!)Tongue

What would we do without your help?Wink

Posted Sunday, October 9, 2005 - Post #8811
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Thanks Ron, great!

A small anoyance (can't call it a bug):

M. was married once (they were divorced) and now is happily married again. On his family page under the first marrige we read: M. also had another wife named N.

Posted Sunday, October 9, 2005 - Post #8812
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My test tree came up perfectly, but my main tree for my web site blocked on a family html with this error :-

Error at line 176 (Code/Lang.vbs) generating 'family.F677.htm': Objet requis: 'spouse'

Erreur d'exécution Microsoft VBScript 800A01A8

Any idea why ?

Posted Sunday, October 9, 2005 - Post #8813
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Do you have Beta14b? Some new tags have been added to 14b.
Posted Sunday, October 9, 2005 - Post #8814
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Yes I do have 14b downloaded in September.

Has there been a silent update since 13 Sept?

I tried a report with my local tree and it worked fine.

It is the big tree that blocked.

Edited: Sunday, October 9, 2005 by iaintait

Posted Sunday, October 9, 2005 - Post #8819
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Received the same error message as iaintait.

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