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How do I generate an ASP Report Template with parameters attached?

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Author I've had success generating a Report Template that is an ASP page, but how do I attach parameters to the page.
Posted Monday, August 21, 2006 - Post #12552
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Hi Ron...I hope I am not driving you up a wall with this issue. Smile

I realize now that I only have success generating my genomapcand.asp file when generating it to the genomaps folder. It's not extremely vital that it be generated outside this folder, but it would be a help. If you see my previously attached genomap.svg file, I was generating the asp and svg files into my main site folder.

Currently I have my copy of the Customized English Narrative Report with only the following files/folders:

Code (folder), Config.xml, Dictionary.xml, genomap.svg, genomapcanda.asp, script.js,, svgcheck.js and svgcheck.vbs.

I modified the Config.xml file to generate only the genomap.svg and genomapcanda.asp. I am attempting what I originally asked how to do at the beginning of this post. Right now, modifying the genomap.svg file in my customized skin folder to the code you suggested is not working. When I look at the code in the generated genomap{}.asp file there is no change. Could this have anything to do with the toc_genomap.htm file?
Posted Friday, November 25, 2011 - Post #29469
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I had long abandoned trying to get this to work since my last post...until recently.  And I've had some success in getting it to partially work.

I am trying to have individuals in the genomap link to a page different than individual.htm.

I'm using GenoPro

I edited Config.xml

line ~491 from:

<Report Template="individual.htm"


    <Report Template="individualdetails.asp"


I edited genomap.svg

line ~869 from:

If isource.Href <> "" Then Report.WriteFormattedLn "<a xlink:href='../{&x}' target='detail'>", isource.Href
End If


If isource.Href <> "" Then Report.WriteFormattedLn "<a xlink:href='../individualdetailpage.asp?id={&x}' target='detail'>", isource.Href
End If

When I generate the genomaps the female circles link to the page I want, but the male squares and the text above the individuals does not link to the page I want.  I'm at a loss as to what lines of code on what files I need to change to get this to work.  I would appreciate some help!  Thank you!

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