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How do I generate an ASP Report Template with parameters attached?

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Author I've had success generating a Report Template that is an ASP page, but how do I attach parameters to the page.
Posted Sunday, August 13, 2006 - Post #12439
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I've had success generating a Report Template that is an ASP page, but how do I attach parameters to the page.  I've created an ASP page that holds my svg tree and I want the individuals in the tree to link to another generated ASP page.

The OutputFile in the Report Template for "individual.htm" adds

before the .htm extension.

I would like to generate a similar ASP file that attaches the 'id' after the ASP extension, like the following...

I understand the code here is incorrect, this possible?

I'm pretty new to ASP.  I'm creating my website with ASP VBScript, and I've just discovered and am starting to understand the skins folder and how to customize the pages in the Report Generator.  I'm currently using GenoPro v2b17i.  Any help on how to attach parameters (or any other suggested way) to my generated ASP page is greatly appreciated.



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