Customers Translator GenoPro version:
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I think there are many people who want this project still alive and I think it's time to pay for a new updates.
What do you think?
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Haep, we all want new updates and releases, and I venture to say most would be willing to pay for it! I have also suggested this in the past.
Unfortunately, that's not the issue. If you read through the previous posts, with Daniel away on some great enterprise and no provision made for anyone else to carry out further development, who is going to do it?
Edited: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 by
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Tuesday, December 29, 2020
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Well, I made my change to RM some time ago,but, I am schooled in Genopro, I miss the feeling of knowing where to go and what to do (in the main). Always liked the appearance and presentation of the program, quite simple to instruct other members in. As I said, here I am again. Hope it stayus alive.
Best RegardsWal Rutherford
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Saturday, July 11, 2020
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Has any thought gone into turning this software into an open source project?
Customers Translator GenoPro version:
Last Login: Tuesday, March 10, 2020
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It's so sad to see how the development of the software is being neglected, especially after reading the previous posts. There is so much potential.
After about 5 years of taking a break from genealogy, I downloaded Genopro 2011 on my new laptop a few months ago and was surprised to see it having so little changes with the one I had sometime in 2008-2009. Genopro is close to my heart, but I haven't updated my family tree using the software because there were no updates (including the website) for several months.
Customers Gamma GenoPro version:
Last Login: Wednesday, November 24, 2021
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I would also love to see GenoPro become an open-source community project. I fear I would be of limited usefulness in such a project, because it's been a long time since I did any programming. I've always been more of an "ideas" person, so I read Daniel's reply with great interest back when he first posted it. Many of my philosophical interests are along similar lines, particularly with the endless cycle of corruption we seem to have in Canadian politics and the present disturbing situation with public education in my lifelong home province of British Columbia. The fundamental problem as I see it is simple: We can't have elected (or appointed) officials in control of setting their own salaries. Here in B.C., our government has given themselves multiple double-digit raises over the eight years they've been in power, and during the same time teachers have seen an average increase of 1% per year, along with massive budget cutbacks for public education in other areas. And when, in that same time, billions of public dollars go into private schools and a new roof for a stadium owned by private interests who could easily finance the repair themselves, the government's cry of "we're broke" when it comes to public education spending rings just a little hollow.
Jean-Claude, I hope your current project is going well, and I look forward to *someone* (whoever it may be) focusing on development of a new version of GenoPro before the feature wish list gets so long that they have to skip a version number.
GenoPro: Best. Genealogy. Software. Ever.
Edited: Saturday, September 6, 2014 by
Gamma Moderators Administrators FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Customers GenoPro version:
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GenoPro is not something easy to evolve in it's current status. It's build in C++ using MFC working for Windows 95. The report have been started in VB script while today it's an almost dead language, everyone write web page in javascript. Many thing would have been rewritten from scratch... it's not an easy task. Nobody want to take it really. We still provide support, answers questions and from time to time Genome release an update of the skin/report.
Working back on GenoPro at full time is something that might happen in the future we both talk about it from time to time but nothing planned seriously. Understand that many software in that exact state without knowing it. Microsoft Excel probably having move really in the last 10 years except a few icons.
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Friday, January 1, 2016
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Contraryto Bogistad's fears, I'm heartened that so few have responded to thisthread. I hope as few as possible seeit. In fact, for the good of GENOPRO,the fewer the number of users who visit these forums the better. I loveGENOPRO. I have used it every single daywithout fail for 11 years. It certainly must neverbe allowed to fade away. Nothing else comes close to its presentationalflexibility and possibilities, and I could not live without it. Butthere appears to be a disjunct in perceptions: It appears to be unrecognized that there are 2 very different groups ofdevotees: Firstly, those like yourselveswho are computer-programming savvy and understand & enjoy tinkering inthe guts of the machine. You want change and improvements and bells Then there is myself, and hopefully 99% ofusers, who simply want a program that works 'straight out of the box', andcontinues to do the same thing without fail. Themajority of us simply want a 'bookshelf' for our genealogical (or scientific)research. The latter is our joy and choice of time. It is only a dreaded signal of failure when wehave to visit this Help Forum (not thetutorials, of course, where one learns the capabilities of the program, but the 'what'schanged, can be changed, or gone wrong' visits). Afterexploring the forums and queries over the past few days, I've realized thatthat contrary to my belief that all the changes made to GENOPRO over the years weredriven by a marketing plan ('let's add lots of social detail and sellgroup-contracts to Psychology Academia......' etc), there may no longer be a strategic ormarketing focus to the activity. Itappears to be driven by current user-generated ideas/queries/problems, andwhatever might catch the indispensable Ron's attention in the limited time he has. The car is nowbeing driven entirely by the 1% of tinkerers, and aimed purely at currentexperienced users. ForGENOPRO to survive, I would beg that the focus return to attracting new users(or at least using the prism of their perspective, even if there isn't thewill, plan or funds to actually market the product) as Bogistad suggests in his opening post. At least provide a product that we currentusers who love it can recommend to a new generation. But to do this requires something verydifficult: For programming-savvyusers & technicians to understand that the average consumer does not understand (nor wants tounderstand) their language. To thisend, I would suggest that the moment when GENOPRO may have gone off the railswas when the latest version was released with unusable Reportcapabilities. All of a sudden, onecould no longer simply download, open, explore, enjoy. One's first experience of the product(because after all, the Reports - the communication of one's work with theoutside world - are key) is frustration and bewilderment. The 'Help' work-arounds are opaque (why doReport Formats have to be called 'Skins' anyway outside of the workshop?), andeven if they weren't, simply having to take remedial action at all sends amessage of failure. I wouldbeg that any time or resources go exclusively into immediately releasing aversion with the appropriate 'Skins' already include (Yes, I was able to follow Ron's instructions, but onlybecause, as a devoted user, I persevered. I wondered why it was so difficult tosimply add a complete Skins folder already containing these piecemeal updatesto the basic program download, as in previous versions? A download query could suggest where to store it. Thus opines theneophyte!). This may not be the be-all& end-all, but I raise it as an example of how to prioritize any futuresupport. Basics & Stability. No more improvements. No more new 'Skins'. Wecan certainly live with what we have. Ofcourse, the challenges remain thereafter: 1.Raising funds from current users (Ihereby pledge $1000 purely as payment for the pleasure GENOPRO has given meover the years), 2.Marketing to new users/markets (there are so many new Genealogicalwebsites & forums where one could invite 'taste-makers' to have fun with GENOPRO),and 3)Re-writing the underlying structure just enough to continue working withfuture Window's releases. None are easy. Butfirst things, first. Inclosing, I want to make sure I've primarily communicated: There are more of us who adore this programthan you might think. We don't visit theforums, if we can help it. And weshouldn't have to.
Last Login: Saturday, September 10, 2016
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What makes GenoPro unique for me? It seems like decades since i started using it. I have repeated dont to market to see if anything tops it. I have always come back for the following reasons:- Genopro allows me to create a standalone website that is completely self contained so i can distribute my data periodically to family on CD/ DVD AND host it free on Dropbox.
All other software I have experimented in requires me to trust and pay annual fees for hosting. - GenoPro has the best and simplest user interface I have seen i.e. complete tree view as editing basis with variety of simple table based views of associated data.
All software lives by occupying a niche that could be taken over at any minute. If a better product came along, I would probably jump ship. All software survives by adapting to the niche and strengthening the relationship with its users. I suggest that the lack of development of a culture of small occasional upgrade payments has meant that the business has not maintained any skill base capable of supporting continued development. My suggestion to the owners/ managers is: - find someone within or outside the GenoPro community that is capable and willing to take on some minor incremental enhancement (necessary to build experience of success both for the staff concerned as well as for the community that will pay for enhancements)
- target a few popular enhancements and "crowd source" the funding to pay for them, then offer the upgrade to the rest of the community for a modest sum (don't want to shock people after so long without paying) emphasising that they need to support the software development if they want it to survive.
- quantify the possibility of GenoPro being incompatible with a Windows OS change and develop options.
If the owners/ managers do not have the time/ focus to do this, they can: - offer the code as open source and ask for community volunteers to oversee the project. It really only takes a few legendary programmers to make a difference. As Microsoft is finding out, for everyone else besides Steve Jobs, the success path is usually incremental improvement, building momentum.
- sell the product to a company that can leverage the user base and begin commercial development. We will end up paying more, but, hey, we have had a free seat in this old but reliable bus for a long time now !
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Monday, March 17, 2025
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Agree with sentiments above, this program is too good to let go. There isn't anything like it. As part of a refresh, the web site could do with a face lift and therefore likely attract a growing numbers of new individuals researching their family history. I have a colourful and glossy poster still hanging on my wall produced with the help of GenoPro. Television Programs like 'Who do You think You are' creating a tidal wave of interest on the subject matter. Come on Owners......  Waveydavey