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Purchasing GenoPro 2016 helps us to raise money to rebuild GenoProX from scratch, so it can work on all platforms (Windows, Mac, tablets, and smartphones) and develop our collaboration module to enable users to edit the same family tree. We also have someone dedicated to add voice and video to GenoProX, so people will be able to communicate with each other and our support team. This will make it easier when someone has difficulties with his/her family tree and need assistance.
The current architecture of GenoPro 2016 which is 19 years old is not capable to do everything we want to do, so we have to rebuild GenoPro from scratch using new available technologies. Lot of things changed in computing during the past 19 years
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I am finding GenoPro2016 great and the Problem Spotter very usefull, I didn't know there were so many twins not shown as such! One problem I see is for the relationship lines there are no longer ones for separated or divorced which is a problem with so many divorsees in my tree
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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IainTait (05-Oct-2015) One problem I see is for the relationship lines there are no longer ones for separated or divorced which is a problem with so many divorsees in my treeWhat would you suggest to improve the Problem Spotter?
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Important Contributors Translator GenoPro version:
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I think it is important to add another control to the Control Spotter: check the dates of birth among the brothers: not more than 80(?) years! The control becomes important when you do not know the date of birth of the parents. Typically it is wrong the century between a brother and another. Thanks.
Vittorino Lepore "Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"
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Still waiting to learn whether I will be able to retain my installation of 2011 with the new version before I try it out. Considering the change in licensing model (which I have no problem with, considering the amount of work involved in rewriting the code from the ground up; I've done enough programming to appreciate how tricky it can be), I think it's important for users of 2011 to be able to retain the 2011 installation along with the new version if we choose to buy it.
GenoPro: Best. Genealogy. Software. Ever.
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I like the ProblemSpotter. It found things that I wasn't aware of. Order of siblings wasn't a biggy but fixed it . Had birth or death dates in ranges and it didn't like that. So I was forced to set a date :-(
I had one issue the spotter talked about trees overlapping that I gave up on
- A situation where a man had two wives and one wife had another husband. I simply put the wife's husband info in her link
Hope this helps
Hal (Genopro User since 2006)
Edited: Saturday, October 24, 2015 by
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Hi, I bought 2016 twice 51792 and 53807 would you please arrange for me getting a refund for the second purchase. |
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Hi Helmut, I voided (refunded) your second purchase.
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Tuesday, January 26, 2016
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Thank you very much and God bless you,
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
Last Login: Thursday, January 16, 2025
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Thank you Helmuth. By the way, GenoPro version has a fix for people using the Hebrew language where sometimes Latin text would be displayed backward in the family tree. If you ever see this behavior, please let me know. I was able to fix the bug on my machine, however I am not using GenoPro in Hebrew, so I may have missed something else.