Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Monday, January 28, 2019
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Hi GenoPro team, any plan to implement the hyperlinks to match / combine / link ID's into Genopro 2016 or GenoProX?
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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GenoProX will read all the data of prior versions of GenoPro (which includes GenoPro 2016), and every object will have the option to be hyperlinked. At the moment GenoPro 2016 is capable to hyperlink only individuals, and the code was a hack which has a lot of blowbacks, such as having duplicate individual in the Table Layout and having incorrect number of siblings, etc.
Customers Gamma GenoPro version:
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I really like the sound of how GenoProX will be handling hyperlinks. I also have several files that I am in the process of merging, some of which I'm putting off because of their sizes. I suspect I'll wait for GenoProX before tackling those, after hearing about this. I will also have an issue with duplicate individuals; I'm going through all of my files now and giving individuals that are duplicated in other files a distinctive border and background colour. Originally, I had tried leaving out individuals that I knew already existed in other files, but it made the genograms look strange, mostly because of single-parent families (which, of course, come up in the Problem Spotter in the current version).
GenoPro: Best. Genealogy. Software. Ever.
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Monday, January 28, 2019
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GenoPro Team, seems you are doing incredible hell of work, and in excellent direction for me! Thank you and looking forward to try & buy the X version. ;-)
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Yes, it is possible to combine multiple Genopro files. To merge the ancestor tree and descendant tree files, you can follow these steps:
Open one of the Genopro files. Go to the "File" menu and select "Import". Choose the other Genopro file (descendant tree file) to import. Genopro will prompt you to select the individuals to merge. Select the person who is common in both files. Proceed with the import, and Genopro will merge the two trees into a single file. Please note that this process may vary slightly depending on the version of Genopro you are using. It's always a good idea to make a backup of your files before merging them. By the way, have you taken the rice purity test yet? This is an interesting test to help you discover your "innocence".