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Combine genograms

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Author How to combine genograms from different source files from Genopro
Posted Wednesday, July 20, 2011 - Post #28694
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Hello, first of all, I'm not experienced user of Genopro. The question is, I have some genopro files (*.gno) from old version of Genopro. 1 file is for example ancestor tree of a person, 2nd file is descendant tree of the same person. Is there any way how to combine these 2 files?
Posted Wednesday, July 20, 2011 - Post #28695
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Try copy & paste.  You may select a genogram from one document, copy it (Ctrl+C) and paste it (Ctrl+V) into the other document.
Posted Saturday, July 23, 2011 - Post #28727
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Thank you for the reply. I'll ask similarly but slightly different question: I have 2 trees. 1st file is ancestor tree of me. 2nd file is a tree of all children my great-grandfather. So some people are mentioned in each tree (like me, my father & mother, grandfather...). Copy-paste way copies the tree, but does not combine it (does not recognise, that some people mentioned in 1st tree are in fact used also in 2nd tree). Maybe, newer versions know it - and this hope is reason why I'm looking to buy the newest version of Genopro, if it fulfils this my need... Smile

Edited: Saturday, July 23, 2011 by kvapil.v
Posted Saturday, July 23, 2011 - Post #28728
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You could also try Nand's FPS SelectGenoMaps from here.
Posted Sunday, July 24, 2011 - Post #28729
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What you are asking for is an automatic merge faciity, which has been on the wish list for a long time. However this is not at all simple. Suppose you have different date of birth in different versions. What should an automatic macro do?
In Genopro each entry (person) is a different set of data and using the table view you can put them side by side for editing. Should have said in a table they can be sorted to be consecutive rows.
Posted Monday, July 25, 2011 - Post #28750
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To Howard53: That looks very promising, going to try it, thank you.
To appleshaw: I can imagine that such request is not simple at all. But I was rather looking (or hoping) to have semi-automatic script. My imagine is as follows: I would be requested to pick up 2 same persons from both genograms as a centre. Then the system would combine it (looking for similar names or dates of birth or death or...) - if the program would think there is a person twice with different data, it could just ask if they are really the same persons and what information to use for the generated export, or to add 2 different persons. I'm not programmer, so from my point of view it seems something easy and essential for such great software such as this one, however I can understand that it might be very difficult to create it...
Posted Monday, July 25, 2011 - Post #28752
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The problem of duplicates is certainly difficult to solve automatically.
One suggestion very interested:
It would be very useful a function similar to that developed for merge two locations acquired differently ( Consolidate Places).
Individuals should not be unified, but connected by hyperlinks on the same or different genogram.
In Table Layout "Individuals...", select 1st, select 2nd, click- right, "Same Individual: connect by hyperlink". They are valid all data on which you pressed the button right-click.
It 'a way similar to the current "New links" + "Pick Genogram "..., but much faster.
It would be a big step forward!

Vittorino Lepore 
Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"

Edited: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 by GenoProSupport
Posted Wednesday, July 27, 2011 - Post #28757
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The FPS SelectGenoMaps does neither work with my old version (1.91) nor with the latest trial version. Sad
Posted Friday, July 29, 2011 - Post #28762
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I'm just playing with the newest version and found "New hyperlink" function. Can I anyhow hyperlink 2 already created persons (for example 1 fully defined and 1 empty, just created? The result would be 1 ID on 2 places with all data from 1st person.
Posted Friday, July 29, 2011 - Post #28763
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FPS SelectGenomaps can only be used to extract one or more GenoMaps from a GenoGram in order to build a new GenoGram which is then a subset of the initial one.
Note that it currently still requires you to convert your GNO file to GEDCOM first and that it cannot be used to merge GenoMaps. 

A MergeGenomaps tool is located somewhere on my would-be-nice-to-have list (I've done something similar with MS Office Outlook Contacts in the past), but don't hold your breath, I have no idea when I will have the time to look into this.


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