I am not sure this is only a report generator problem as the errors appear in the in individual table and this has nothing to do with the report generator. I believe a corrective action in the report generator remains possible, but the source seems to me to be in the database itself. I also understand that the hyperlinks “system” will change in Genopro-X and this could be part of the change. So I file the following on this forum rather than on the Report generator one.
In reviewing the output of a medium size Genepro tree I noticed that some persons were missing. After further investigation, I came to the conclusion that some processing of hyperlinks was not right. I reduced the tree to a small number of individuals and families, removed all the superfluous data (pictures,comments, references,...) and this still exhibits the same problem.
When both individuals of a marriage are hyperlinked (separately of course), the female individual disappears from the generated output – except in the SVG sub tree diagrams. Her name disappears as a children, as a sibling, as a twin,as a mother. As a spouse the forename remains in the family description, but the surname has disappeared. But there is no acces to the details of the person. She has somehow vanished.
I am a bit surprised that this problem has not been reported previously (I could not find it in the forums),but it is not that obvious to spot it. However I cannot be the only one to use hyperlinks in this way.
I tested under Genopro 2011 (version2.5.4.1) using skin template 2015.07.07version 2015.07.15. I also did the same test with Genopro 2016 (version using the same skin template and the results are exactly the same.
I attach two screen copies of the generated output where the problems are in full view. Missing persons: Marie Alice Brocard and Charlotte Célestine Baptista Dabord.(I feel sorry for my grand father: he had to ignore the name of his mother and the name of his wife).
I attach the GNO file I tested under Genopro 2011 (version2.5.4.1) using skin template 2015.07.07version2015.07.15. I also did the same test with Genopro 2016 (version2.9.0.6) using the same skin template and the results are exactly the same. Also attached is a spreadsheet, copy of the individuals table where the problems are outlined. Let me know if you are interested, I can pass on the documents directly in an email or via Dropbox or equivalent.
Thanks for your advice.