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I am not sure this is only a report generator problem as the errors appear in the in individual table and this has nothing to do with the report generator. I believe a corrective action in the report generator remains possible, but the source seems to me to be in the database itself. I also understand that the hyperlinks “system” will change in Genopro-X and this could be part of the change. So I file the following on this forum rather than on the Report generator one. In reviewing the output of a medium size Genepro tree I noticed that some persons were missing. After further investigation, I came to the conclusion that some processing of hyperlinks was not right. I reduced the tree to a small number of individuals and families, removed all the superfluous data (pictures,comments, references,...) and this still exhibits the same problem. When both individuals of a marriage are hyperlinked (separately of course), the female individual disappears from the generated output – except in the SVG sub tree diagrams. Her name disappears as a children, as a sibling, as a twin,as a mother. As a spouse the forename remains in the family description, but the surname has disappeared. But there is no acces to the details of the person. She has somehow vanished. I am a bit surprised that this problem has not been reported previously (I could not find it in the forums),but it is not that obvious to spot it. However I cannot be the only one to use hyperlinks in this way. I tested under Genopro 2011 (version2.5.4.1) using skin template 2015.07.07version 2015.07.15. I also did the same test with Genopro 2016 (version using the same skin template and the results are exactly the same. I attach two screen copies of the generated output where the problems are in full view. Missing persons: Marie Alice Brocard and Charlotte Célestine Baptista Dabord.(I feel sorry for my grand father: he had to ignore the name of his mother and the name of his wife). I attach the GNO file I tested under Genopro 2011 (version2.5.4.1) using skin template 2015.07.07version2015.07.15. I also did the same test with Genopro 2016 (version2.9.0.6) using the same skin template and the results are exactly the same. Also attached is a spreadsheet, copy of the individuals table where the problems are outlined. Let me know if you are interested, I can pass on the documents directly in an email or via Dropbox or equivalent. Thanks for your advice.
Where is Alice.jpg
274.50 KB)
Where is Charlotte.jpg
335.82 KB)
2016-08-18 Links Error R6.gno
6.58 KB)
Extract from Individuals table.xls
14.00 KB)
Edited: Saturday, August 20, 2016 by
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Ok this one had me scratching by head for a little while but then the penny dropped. The two individuals concerened have no full name only a display name! I wondered why when I hovered over a marriage line for these individuals in GenoPro the tooltip showed the missing individual as just 'wife'. The Narrative Report excludes individuals with no name.
Just select a Full Name for these individuals and a normal service will be resumed. 
Perhaps this one should be added to the problem spotter.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Saturday, August 20, 2016 by
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I am now scratching my head: I cannot remember when and why I would have removed the names of these two persons (and there may be some more in the real database).
I thought that the "Full Name" was given automatically by Genopro itself. I now see that the full name can be completely unrelated to the "First Name, Middle Name, Family name" or to the "Display Name".
It is a possibility however that in trying to change the display name I cleared the "Full Name". Unfortunate mistake!! But probably easy to make.
I fully approve the suggestion of a message in the problem spotter, but I believe there should be 2 possibilities: Total absence of a "Full Name"; "Full Name" is different from the Genopro generated one.
Problem sorted anyway.
Thanks for your answer.
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I am still curious about the remark you made: "The Narrative Report excludes individuals with no name."
Nowhere else in Genopro is there a reference to this rather mysterious "Full Name" but in the "Individual Properties" panel.
In the "Individuals Table" there is no column that you can check for the absence of a "Full Name"
The help file says: "The full name is the concatenation of all names. There is a list of possible concatenations. If none of these seems to be correct, you can type the full name in the textbox. The full name is used in the narrative report for instance". It does not say how.
From the above it is not that obvious that this "Full Name" plays in fact a major part in the whole system. I could be mistaken but I believe that is part of the the basis of the hyperlinks between individuals. It seems to be the name of the hyperlink between an individual and the other components of Genopro: other individuals, families, pictures, ... etc. But the name only as you can give two different individuals the same "Full Name" (and this name can even be void - as in my case) and the system is still able to make the distinction.
I can see the value of such a item and that it can be made anything the user wants. But that it should also be used when void to suppress the output in the report generator is in my view a step too far especially when the function is not properly documented.
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I have suggested in the past that the description 'Full Name' is not adequate and something along the lines of 'Name for Report' would be more descriptive (in any case, as you can specify what is displayed in the field, it is not necessarily a 'Full Name').
In the Individuals Table you can sort on the 'Full Name' column to display any blank fields. If the 'Full Name' column is not shown, right-click on the header and select Column Properties... then tick the Full Name option to display it.
I believe individuals without a 'Full Name' are omitted from the report as the 'Full Name' is used to index individuals in the report.
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I have other issues with the "Full Name" and "Display Name" fields, that I've discussed elsewhere... briefly, the options given don't cover all the useful ones, and include several that seem to me to serve no purpose at all. But I've ranted about that elsewhere, as I've said. I'm hoping that GenoProX gives us more flexibility with these fields that doesn't require manually editing every field. A drag-and-drop interface with name components would be ideal. And as just mentioned, a third field would be nice, to give us "Full Name" and "Display Name" and "Report Name"... or just rename the "Full Name" field to "Report Name"... since the "Full Name" field isn't used for anything else.
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Thanks to Howard53: I did not know that you could modify the display of the Individuals table - adding or removing columns and changing their order. That me sorted with other possible blanked "Full Names".
As regards the usefulness of the "Full Name", I believe that it is the name given to the index - I called it above hyperlink rather than index, my mistake - of an individual. This has in fact little value in itself but is required as it is displayed in various tables where it serves as an hyperlink: click on it and you get to the right individual. Having an "Full Name", that usually relates to the person is certainly better than having it fabricated by the system itself without any significance. The ID cannot be the index as an individual can have multiple IDs , one for each separate appearance on the genomaps.
Why is the "Full Name" used to control the display or not of the individual is rather strange. A separate tick box on the individual panel would be more logical. The program that generates the PDF/SVG genomaps is totally unaware of this functionality as persons with a blank "Full Name" are displayed on the genomap with possibly some other attributes.
Lets hope Genopro-X will come with a more straightforward solution i.e. keep the "Full Name" as it is at present with with its changeable content, but remove its function as an indicator of not displaying the "Display name" in the generated report when blank.
Or would it be moving from "Killing two birds with one stone to killing one bird with two stones". I can still see some logig in the way it has been set... and later ignored (genomaps)?
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The Narrative Report has been developed over a long long period of time, at least 12 years. If we all knew then what we know now we would have done things differently. The 'Full Name' is used as the 'displayed name' in all references in narrative pages (e.g. headings and hyperlinks) whereas the 'Display Name' is only used on genomaps. The decision was taken to not create an HTML page for those with no 'Full Name'. I suspect it is because many genomaps have gender symbol and pedigree links simply as ' place markers' where details of an individual is not known e.g. you know of a parent and child, so there must be another parent but at the time you do not have any details. When I look at the script I can see that once upon a time the 'data level' for an individual was also taken into account but the latter check was removed at some point. I think it is immaterial anyway, a 'Full Name' is akin to 'Formal Name' and should not be omitted and should get reported as a problem if missing, and the issue of whether to report or not would not occur once such problems were corrected. The Narrative Report is no longer in development, only maintenance as my efforts are concentrated on GenoProX. The initial HTML Report for GenoProX has been developed from scratch and for example does not have the 'narrative' style phrases of GenoPro 2011/16 Report.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"