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Author Alpha, Beta, Release ready?
Posted Friday, August 31, 2018 - Post #38891
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GenoPro version:

Last Login: Tuesday, December 10, 2019
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It has been over three years since GenoProX was announced in July 2015. What is the current state of development? Can we get a summary of what remains to be done?

Are there any plans to release GenoProX Beta by the end of this year?
Posted Monday, September 3, 2018 - Post #38895
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GenoPro version:

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Hi folks, first off I would like to apologize of not postingupdates more often.  We are simply focusedon GenoProX development at 100%.

We are very proud of how GenoProX is coming along.  We are well aware that we are taking much longerthan we originally expected and part of that is why our resources are focused ongetting things done and not on talking about GenoProX.

So what is the status? We work on GenoProX around the clock, weekends included. We have added manygreat features to GenoProX, we test regularly on Windows, MacOSX, and Linux.  Our new grid is insanely more powerful andflexible than ever before.  There will besome great surprises when we release GenoProX. GenoProX is build around collaboration. It breaths collaboration, this has an unfortunate side effect; addingnew features would break older features. We were aware of this from the beginning and it is the main reason whywe haven’t released any early builds to the public, and we even stopped sharingupdates with the close circle, as we would be forced to keep compatibility, andkeep supporting these early builds would just slow us down.

We have reached the point of no longer adding more new majorfeatures.  We have now shifted tofinishing/updating/testing/polishing the ones we have built.  Our goal is to release a solid and reliableproduct as always.  There is a lot ofunder the hood work that has been done to expand the possibilities far beyondwhat we will originally release, but we needed a solid base (drive train) forthis to happen, and not just create it and hope for the best, but to test itand make it grow. 

GenoProX is a whole new ecosystem that will allow us to addthe features you will want, even things that we haven’t thought about yet.  It’s not just about drawing Genograms, it’s muchmore than that.

Thank you for your patience.   And, no, we don’t have a date to announce yet.  We hope to have one soon.

Posted Tuesday, September 4, 2018 - Post #38900
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GenoPro version:

Last Login: Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Posts: 27, Visits: 132
Thank you for taking time and give us update on development of GenoProX. However this update reads pretty much same as last one in January 2018 (i.e. working around the clock, many great features, etc.). The only thing you did not mention is reward system based on blockchain, a star feature of last update.

After three years of waiting I am surprised there is not even rough timeframe for GenoProX release. This leads me to believe you are not even remotely done with development. Hopefully this is not the case.

Anyway, I do hope you release Beta sooner rather than later. I think customers could give you a valuable feedback.
Posted Thursday, September 27, 2018 - Post #38956
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GenoPro version:

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Sorry I took a little bit to reply.  I don't jump on the forum as often as maybe I should, we are particularly focused on getting the development done.

Since you brought it up, I'll talk a little bit about the rewards system. This is one of the features that has consumed a huge amount of time, way longer than we ever thought it would.  GenoProX is decentralized by design.  That means that it doesn't need our servers for you to use it or communicate, collaborate, and benefit from the rewards.  We will have servers up to make things easier for users to communicate with each other behind firewalls, but you don't need them, plus you can run your own server if you choose to do so.  This means that the rewards system is not one database that we hold and control that no one has access to, but basically everyone has access to it and it's based on private/public key encryption.

Why did I not mentioned it on the previous post? Well the rewards system will not be released in the first early releases.  There are a also a few other features that will not be in that release simply because they need polishing, however we needed to get the basic elements of theses in there because of the collaborative/decentralized nature of GenoProX.  Once we release GenoProX to the general public it will be very difficult to make changes to the protocols.  As we added more and more features we ran into shortcomings of the protocol, we then improved the protocol to handle more scenarios and be more flexible, which of course breaks the earlier stuff. 

  That said, we are very happy with our protocol.  Actually we are cramming this week to finalize it, and hopefully not have to make any more changes to it.  We just finished and are testing changes to the privacy part of the protocol.  As mentioned above, GenoProX is decentralized, updates that you make can be shared with others, but only with whom you choose, and your device notifies your "friends, family, coworkers, etc" about your updates.  We don't hold a centralized database of this, clients just talk to each other automatically.  However we do this very efficiently to avoid unnecessary redundant chatter.

 So where exactly are we at?  Well, at this point we are going to focus primarily on polishing the Genogram drawing part.  We are about to release a ver 2 of a small private out of office test.  Ver one is way obsolete now but it is still being used on a daily basis.  As any potential bugs get reported, we will fix those, however we don't plan to add anymore features.  We are focused now focused on finishing and polishing everything we plan to publicly release in the short term.

Why don't we give a rough date?  Because if we give a date, many people will not see the "rough" part of it, and we rather not release something that we know still has issues that we can resolve in the short term if we wait a couple of weeks more.  Too many products get released with well known issues simply because they had to release it and didn't have the time to get them fixed.  We rather not do that.

We are also VERY happy with our new grid.  The Grid has grown to be just amazing.  It is so powerful, it can handle insane amounts of data very efficiently.  Actually the rewards system is the one to thank in good part for it.  What does the Grid have to do with Genograms?  A lot.  Currently in GenoPro 20xx you have a grid view of your genograms.  This is very useful in large genograms as you can quickly find any person faster in the grid.  You can also multiselect on the grid (grouping by last name for example) and then they get selected in the genogram.  You can also edit fields more quickly. 

Our new grid is a vast improvement over the old one.  It can handle way more types of data, it is actually smart, more efficient, has way more and better interaction capabilities and more.  I've tested it with more than 1.5 million elements and it can load them in a few seconds, and once loaded it doesn't even jitter once, even on a 9 year old laptop.  The grid is simply the best way to view and manipulate huge amounts of data, such as large genograms.  

Hope this answers more of your questions, and we do apologize for not being more specific on the release date, hope you understand.

Best wishes
Posted Sunday, October 14, 2018 - Post #38997
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GenoPro version:

Last Login: Friday, January 5, 2024
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A few years ago (2008, to be precise) I bought GenoPro and I loved it. A few years later, you announce GenoProX and I was so happy that I paid immediately (Nov-2015) for this new version, thinking that on this way I will support your work and development of the GenoProX.
And now (in 2018) I am truly disappointed that after 3 years, you guys don't have a single screenshot as proof of your work.

Back then in 2015, I believed that GenoProX will be an amazing thing. Now, I believe that GenoProX is just another scam on the internet.
Now, I don't care anymore about your progress on the GenoProX, I just wondering is there any chance of getting my money back? 

Posted Sunday, October 14, 2018 - Post #38998
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GenoPro version:
Last Login: Wednesday, July 22, 2020
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Can someone tell me IF and WHEN i am likely to get my copy of GenoproX family purchased when i downloaded genopro a couple of years ago now??? scam sounds about right! 

Edited: Sunday, October 14, 2018 by 646355
Posted Monday, October 15, 2018 - Post #39003
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GenoPro version:

Last Login: Sunday, March 2, 2025
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"Numbers", you are still on an old version of GenoPro ( and you are not listed as a customer. That's strange! Why don't you download the latest version at least and take advantage of that?
Posted Tuesday, October 23, 2018 - Post #39041
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GenoPro version:

Last Login: Wednesday, March 9, 2022
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Quick update.  Among other things, we are working on finalizing Group sync.  Group sync is one of the last major features that needed some tweaking.  GenoProX is Multidevice aware.  In short, One profile can have multiple devices (two or more different computers/one profile)  That person's profile can be in a group.  When something new is added to the group, like a simple text message, or an update to a Genogram, we need to let every device know that it needs to sync.  However, GenoProX is not dependent on a specific GenoPro server, it is after all a peer to peer software.  But we don't want to blast new information repetitively to every device, so syncing between devices in a efficient manner is very important.  We also have to consider that it's possible that the device may loose power before it finished saving/syncing, so sync needs to try to resync even if it failed to update it's local information.

Well, that's in short one of the bigger tickets of the moment.  

Thank you for your support.
Posted Thursday, November 15, 2018 - Post #39081
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GenoPro version:

Last Login: Saturday, February 1, 2025
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can we say at least that GenoPro X will be released before the end of 2019?

Edited: Thursday, November 15, 2018 by evilworld
Posted Thursday, November 15, 2018 - Post #39082
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GenoPro version: FTPClient1

Last Login: Monday, April 5, 2021
Posts: 72, Visits: 611
I would like to know what functions are working and what functions are in development (and what is still left to do)...

I would love to have a nice list.

Or at least have screenshots.


Prove that work is still being done.

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