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Multiple error messages when viewing tree on web

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Author When opening tree after publishing to GenoPro site, there are 20 or more error messages
Posted Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - Post #39077
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I don't know which 'download link' you tried to use but I meant download the attachment on my earlier post.  You should see default.htm at the bottom of the post. right click on it and choose 'save link as'

No, the GenoPro download page doesn't look like that Unsure

Yes overwrite 'default' file.  Your Windows Explorer is not showing file extensions so you are not seeing the .htm part of the name. You can change that under the Windows Explorer 'view' tab.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - Post #39078
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OK, maybe we can sit back and try to relax. This almost works. When I go to the GenoPro Website for Carrozza and click on the tree menu icon, the family name Carroza must be clicked to see the "tree".

This is what happens when I click the tree menu icon on the Win7 machine in the Chrome browser.

The tree icon only delivers the name index.

When I open the file on my Chromebook, in the Chromeb  browser, I get the correct page:

So, as long as the error pop-ups have been cured, as they seemingly have, I am a happy guy.

I wanted to thank you for sticking with me on this journey. I know it could not have been easy.

I am getting to an age where I have to consider turning this project over to another family member. I was reading about GenoPro Share and was thinking maybe I could give a couple of family members a "test" ride into the family tree while I decide who can take over the reins. As I understand GenoPro Share, while it has an additional cost will allow another family member to work within the framework without actually having to purchase a GenoPro Premium edition. Once someone take over, I will buy them the premium edition.

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