Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Monday, January 28, 2019
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From reading all the posts it seems to me that developers are perfectionists, they wanted to release something completely new, but all together. They are also sticklers, so they dissipated they energy on bunch of features which are really not the key to the software (i.e. the very complicated reward system). It also seems they had some financial problems (just my personal speculation) so were not able to hire programmers, some person who would care just about PR, some person who would act as program manager (to place priorities) and person who would work with their fan base, which is pretty core and even could help if tuned well. Hopefully they got over it all, they will learn from their mistakes, hopefully they will not die programming and hopefully they will release working, reliable and stable version before we die waiting... ;-)
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Saturday, June 11, 2022
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Dear Forum: I don't post often. But read from time to time.Thanks for the updates. I have had a Genopro "Fat client" license since 2006 (Which makes me a 12yearuser :-) . The product does what I need it to. But could do more. Although I paid for 6 months of GenoProX membership, the product is no interest to me. I understand why you went to a subscriber model. (Hint $$$) But collaboration and sharing my family tree with others is not of interest. Genopro for me is in a steady state. It is the devil I know and gets me by. But at this point, I am not expecting a 4.x or 3.1 (Currently at of the "fat client" ever. If I cared more about genealogy, I would switch to another product. But low price and familiarity keeps me here. Frequent proactive communications on product roadmap sets proper expectations. But each company has their own way to do marketing. I appreciate you are giving up nights and weekends to do this. Just wanted you to know.
Edited: Sunday, December 30, 2018 by
Customers GenoPro version:
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Gamma Customers GenoPro version:
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GenoPro dev2 (23-Oct-2018)
Quick update. Among other things, we are working on finalizing Group sync. Group sync is one of the last major features that needed some tweaking. GenoProX is Multidevice aware. In short, One profile can have multiple devices (two or more different computers/one profile) That person's profile can be in a group. When something new is added to the group, like a simple text message, or an update to a Genogram, we need to let every device know that it needs to sync. However, GenoProX is not dependent on a specific GenoPro server, it is after all a peer to peer software. But we don't want to blast new information repetitively to every device, so syncing between devices in a efficient manner is very important. We also have to consider that it's possible that the device may loose power before it finished saving/syncing, so sync needs to try to resync even if it failed to update it's local information. Well, that's in short one of the bigger tickets of the moment. Thank you for your support. Hi, do you have any news?
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Tuesday, December 10, 2019
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GenoProX was announced in July 2015. After +3 years we are still in the dark. Can we get update on the progress of the development? Maybe even a rough estimate of the release date? Maybe some screenshots?
Furthermore, just one thought. I would not mind to purchase strip down version of GenoProX. I do not need blockchain fueled reward system, build-in video collaboration, group sync, etc. In my humble opinion all this just poses security risk to private data.
I would be very much happy with just basic version, without all above ballast. I just need software with proper hyperlinks, and more options regarding displaying info on family tree.
Looking forward to read all about the recent progress done on GenoProX.
Gamma Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Saturday, February 1, 2025
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212529 (27-Mar-2019)
GenoProX was announced in July 2015. After +3 years we are still in the dark. Can we get update on the progress of the development? Maybe even a rough estimate of the release date? Maybe some screenshots? Furthermore, just one thought. I would not mind to purchase strip down version of GenoProX. I do not need blockchain fueled reward system, build-in video collaboration, group sync, etc. In my humble opinion all this just poses security risk to private data. I would be very much happy with just basic version, without all above ballast. I just need software with proper hyperlinks, and more options regarding displaying info on family tree. Looking forward to read all about the recent progress done on GenoProX. I personally would love to have the ability to access my tree on the go on my smartphone and tablets. When i visit relatives i don't want to carry my laptop and the tree on websites like myheritage is not updated
Edited: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 by
Last Login: Sunday, August 7, 2022
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It all seems like a scam at this stage and I'm glad I never stumped up any further cash beyond the upgrade to Genopro 2016. I've asked in another forum what differences there are in the 2018 version but no one knows.
The attitude of the developers on this thread seems poor (apology for not replying to your post for several months/a year, not much more detail, complaining about staff issues). Hire a PR person, even part time, before you lose your loyal customer base.
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Friday, January 5, 2024
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It's a scam for sure! We haven't seen a single screenshot. Almost three and a half years ago I gave them 45 USD for the development of GenoPro X... I feel so stupid now... We all should warn other people (online, genealogy conferences, etc.) about this GenoPro scam!
Edited: Saturday, April 6, 2019 by
Last Login: Tuesday, November 9, 2021
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As an early backer of GenoPro X, I was/am extremely disappointed with the lack of progress. But complaining on these forums is wasted energy (and hasn't produced anything of value). Instead, I have spent the past couple of years trying different analog and digital solutions to create genograms. Finally, I think have stumbled upon a solution, and created a video documenting how I now create genograms in my practice: How to create Justin Trudeau's Genogram with Notability
Curious to hear how other Mac clinicians are creating genograms.
*********Avrum Nadigel, MSWFamily/Relationship Therapist & Author |
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
Last Login: Sunday, March 2, 2025
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Calling GenoPro X development a "scam" is totally unfair and unjustified. If anything, the developers seem to be perfectionists who are wanting to create an "all bells and whistles" software. I think there lies the problem, which makes most customers express their frustration in not seeing anything new for a number of years now.
I would also like to suggest that the developers consider releasing a cut-down, basic version of GenoPro X. I have a feeling that it's not appreciated by them that most users of GenoPro are not necessarily interested in a rewards system, a collaboration module, group sync, etc., but want the focus to be on enhancing the basic genealogy features of GenoPro, which after all is what this software is all about and why it was purchased in the first place by them. I think they would find if a poll was taken of GenoPro users, most would back that approach and would be happy to wait for the other enhancements to be introduced bit by bit. Personally, I don't regret supporting financially the development of GenoPro X (back in 2016!) but I urge the developers to adopt a more pragmatic approach. There is a danger here that if this development goes on much longer without some results being shown, the loyal customer base built up over the years will start to look for alternatives.