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Missing union dates in multiple unions

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Author Confuse both GenoPro and the Report Writer
Posted Thursday, April 25, 2019 - Post #39826
Legendary Master

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Thanks testers, now maybe third time lucky? or 'if at first you don't succeed, try, try again'. Why are things never so simple as they first appear?  Hehe

the main problem lies in identifying the families where one of the (multiple) union dates is missing.

So I misread the brief, I was reporting individuals with missing dates on one or more of their unions, not the families themselves. I have now changed the report heading to be 

Families with no union date of individuals having multiple unions but no \'Mate Order\' set

A bit of a mouthful but I think that covers it.

I don't know why the Report Generator API considers Family Marriage.Date blank when only the year is present, as it shows up fine in the Families Table Layout View.  Anyway just testing for a year seems to do the trick.

Once again I have edited my earlier post and updated the zip

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Friday, April 26, 2019 - Post #39829
Famous Writer

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Yes, this looks OK.  The reports of the different tools seem to match.

I have included the output of the Missing Union Dates skin report and two (tandem) reports from my tool.  I'm listing the individuals for which a manual mate order has been declared in a separate report.  This makes it easier for me to find out which dates I still have to look up.

There must be more people out there who made the same mistake as I did.  When you are drawing the genealogy tree you do not realise that the reported information might be organised different. 

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