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GenoPro version, English Narrative Report skin 2018.03.09Is there a simple way to detect/correct missing union dates in multiple union families? Example: Albert has been married twice, the first time to Bernadette, the second time to Camilla (notice the A-B-C sequence in this test data). The date of the first wedding is not known and has not been filled in.

This results in a wrong sequence of marriages in the report (extra text was removed) The same is true for the auto-arrange function which inverts first and second marriage. Also the timeline has problems with this. Here the first marriage was simply omitted. 
The only work-around I found is to use a approximate date like “~1955” in the “Unions/UnionDate” field.  (In the picture above we are looking at the “General/Display Text” values but the same values were put in the “Unions/Union Date” fields). Now the sequenceis OK.
(extra text wasremoved) The timeline is now also correct. Note that the end of the firstmarriage is automatically derived from the death date of the first wife, Bernadette. 
QUESTION 1: Would it make sense to suggest an approximate first marriage start date derived from either the birth date of a first child (if any) or from the fact that the firstwife died before the second marriage took place. I do realise there is no fool proof solution for this. What if there are no children in the first marriage? What if there is a second union before the first spouse dies? Maybe the best solution would be to raise an error condition and let the problem spotter signal this? QUESTION 2: In the meanwhile, how can I detect the other marriages where this is the case? I’m only looking for multiple marriages where one of them has no union date filled in. Single unions without a union date cause no problems. [For one or the other reason I'm loosing some spaces in the text above. No idea why this happens.]
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Select Albert and display Properties dialogue, select Family tab, click Change Mate Order, click 'Use spouse order form the list below', rearrange list order.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Hi Genome. Thank you for this procedure. This is indeed better than using fake dates. However, the main problem lies in identifying the families where one of the (multiple) union dates is missing. I have over 1000 families in my tree which does not make it simple to spot the problem cases. I'll think about writing a small program to do so. No big deal. But maybe this could be added as a function to the problem spotter?
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I cannot see Dan doing any GenoPro enhancement any time soon whilst fully committed to GenoProX.
But a simple script with the Report Generator can help. e.g. <%[Report.LogComment('Families with no union date of individuals having multiple unions but no \'Mate Order\' set','#00a0ff'); Report.LogComment('========================================================','#00a0ff'); var found ='', sep='', num = 0; for (var f = 0; f < Families.Count; f++) { var fam = Families(f); if (fam.Marriage.Date. Year == '') { // No Union or no union date if (found.indexOf('/'+fam.ID+'/') == -1) { for (var p = 0; p < fam.Parents.Count; p++) { var ind = fam.Parents(p); if (ind.Mates.Count > 1 && ind.TagValue('Families.Order').length == 0) { // a partner in the unmion has more than one mate and no mate order set Report.LogComment(fam + ' ('+ fam.ID + ') on genomap '+ fam.Position.GenoMap,'#00a0ff'); found+='/'+fam.ID+'/'+sep; sep = ';' } } } } } if (found != '') num = found.split(';').length; Report.LogComment(''+num +' famil'+ (num != 1 ? 'ies' : 'y')+' found','#00a0ff'); Report.LogComment('Report Complete','#2f30cd') |
Skin is attached
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Dateless Multiple Unions.zip
1.22 KB)
Edited: Thursday, April 25, 2019 by
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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Nice tool Genome. A "must have" for all of us. You might even consider generating a separate web page with the report results, no? Right now I'm trying to figure out why your tool mentions 71 missing dates while mine only sees 19 (in a total of 1110 families). Mine does not mention cases where a "mate order" has been defined, but there are also some differences which need further investigation. I'll let you know if I find something relevant. As far as I am concerned, I'll never live old enough to see the birth of GenoProX, so I intend to stick to the non-X version.
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I was reporting the same individual for each of his/her unions. I have amended my earlier reply to fix this and also exclude individuals with mate order set. The later took a while to sort out as the Report Generator API doesn't seem to expose the Individual Families.Order property correctly. The zipped skin is also updated.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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I note that in the list, if the marriage dates are not complete (only the year, without day and month), they are indicated as missing. I would also suggest adding the surname to the Report.logComment (.... + ' ' + ind.Name.Last + ....): only the first name is sometimes not enough.
Thanks, genome
Vittorino Lepore "Se non porti almeno una soluzione, anche tu fai parte del problema" or "If you don't bring at least a solution, even you're a part of the problem"
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I can confirm this finding. Also, when using approximate dates like ~1890 these are considered as missing. But I also found a false positive where all dates were filled in but reported as missing and a few cases that should have been reported but were not. I'll try to prepare a test sample to reproduce the test conditions.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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All false positives I tested have one thing in common: they mention a "religious marriage" as union type.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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I included a small GenoGram with 2 test cases. The top chart is the one with the "religious marriages" that were reported as having no dates mentioned. In the bottom chart a few dates are missing. The missing ones were listed in the previous version of the skin, not the latest. |