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Author Alpha, Beta, Release ready?
Posted Sunday, July 7, 2019 - Post #39965
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The problems is that they haven't shown us anything over the years, nothing. a screenshot, a video, nothing.
they should create a blog where they can post update regularly.
I'm really tired of waiting!

Edited: Sunday, July 7, 2019 by evilworld
Posted Wednesday, July 10, 2019 - Post #39971
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We have been working full time on GenoProX and we are mostly done with the core components and our current focus is mostly about the details of drawing family trees and genograms. The collaboration module turned out to be far more complex than anticipated, as we wanted collaboration to be simple and easy to use. Sure we could have had a 'server' version where the server admin would create accounts for every user client wishing to view or edit a family tree on his/her server, and then users would enter an IP address to connect to that server to view a family tree.  Although the client-server architecture appears as the simplest approach, it has severe security issues and many technical limitations, and would make it complicated for a grandmother to share her family tree with the rest of her family.  So instead of using a database of accounts, typically with email addresses and passwords, we had to develop our own communication platform with our own identifiers.  With GenoProX there are no passwords: you grant permission to contact. In other words, you specify which contacts you grant access to a certain resource, such as a family tree, picture album or some other types of files.  To make your life simpler, GenoProX has "Privacy Lists" which are lists of contacts, such as "Family Members", "Close Friends", "Coworkers", "Customers", "VIP Clients", etc.  You may also create your own Privacy Lists. To make it easy to add contacts to Privacy Lists, we had to write the code to automatically discover friends of friends so it is easier for you to find contacts you wish to share resources, such as sharing your family tree with your family members.  In short, we developed a decentralized peer-to-peer social network, and this task required considerable development time.

Some of our recent work has been:
  1. Automatic creation of a collaboration project when creating a new family tree. To make collaboration simple, the default settings are in a way that everyone in your Privacy List named "Family Members" automatically have access to your family tree. Of course, at any time, you may add or remove people to/from your Privacy List named "Family Members" or ban specific users from a family tree.
  2. Automatic publishing of the names of the family trees available to uses. For instance, if someone in your family creates a new family tree, then you will instantly see the name of that new family tree available to you.  If you are a professional doing genograms, then all your coworkers will see all the genograms you wish to share with them.
  3. Automatic temporary subscription of a family tree when clicking on it. Clicking on the family tree will download it to your local machine and make you a temporary subscriber of a few hours, so any modification within that temporary subscription, you will see appear on your screen automatically. When your subscription expires, then you have to click on the family tree, or move the mouse over the family tree, to indicate you are still interested in that family tree. The concept of having a temporary subscription is to make sure only interested parties are notified when the family tree gets modified. You may also explicitly subscribe to a family tree to always receive (and download) the latest updates.
  4. Security settings where you may revoke/deny the subscription of a subscriber.
  5. Basic collaboration where objects which are created, modified or deleted on the master family tree are broadcasted to the subscribers, and the subscribers do replay the collaboration history to reproduce the same family tree on their local computer(s). This code required a rewrite of how objects are updated. For instance, in GenoPro 2019, the undo is done by taking a snapshot of an object before performing an action (such as changing the name, or the color of a label), and when the user clicked on Undo, GenoPro 2019 would restore the state of the object. With collaboration, one user may change the text of a label while another user may change the color of that label.  As a result, performing an Undo action cannot be done by restoring the original state, but by restoring only what was modified by the specific user to undo the action. As a result, GenoProX must keep track of everything that was modified, down to the latest detail, rather than keeping snapshots of entire objects and restoring those objects when an undo/redo has to be performed.
  6. Built-in hyperlinks of all types of objects, such as individuals, families, links. In GenoPro 2019, only individuals may be hyperlinked, but in GenoProX, any object displayed may be hyperlinked to another GenoMap (or the same GenoMap if desired).
  7. Brand new AutoLayout written from scratch. So far, this is a screenshot of what our AutoLayout is producing.  When there are multiples spouses, the AutoLayout automatically assign a different color to the family lines (the horizontal lines) to make it easier to locate different families.
What needs to be done:
  1. At the moment only the master family tree may push information to all its subscribers. What needs to be done is to also have subscribers to push their modifications to the master family tree which in turn will broadcast the changes to the other subscriber(s). This is easier said than done because the identifiers on the local copy are different than the identifiers on the master copy, so more code must be written to consolidate the identifiers.
  2. There are still some types of operations, mostly arrays of objects, which are not synchronized within a collaboration project.
  3. Auditing. At the moment some types of operations are audited, such as when an object (individual, family, picture) was deleted and by whom, or which GenoMap was last modified (and by whom), however there are still operations which do not update, and the undo/redo module must also be able to undo/redo those audit updates.
  4. Smart deletion. For instance, if someone deletes a GenoMap, this GenoMap should still be visible in the list of GenoMap, and only the admin may confirm such a deletion.
  5. Rollback of an entry in the collaboration history. This is like the undo operation, however done on the actions performed by another user.
  6. Editing of properties via the right-panel must be completely rewritten. So far GenoProX has a grid table (aka Table Layout) to edit the properties of objects, such as the name of an individual, its date of birth, or change its color. The right panel to edit the properties is no longer working because of the collaboration module (it works only to display the information, such as the name of the label or its color, however cannot modify the values). Also, this panel was one of the first code written for GenoProX, before the grid table, and is no longer compatible with the current code. GenoPro 2019 was using Tag Definitions ( ) to determine which properties to import, export or display in the grid table. We are using a completely different technology for GenoProX which works with the collaboration module, and also is less bug-prone and far more performant.
  7. The z-order of objects has been hardcoded and must be more flexible to allow the user to move an object before or after another object.
  8. Toolbar buttons to align or center objects easily.
  9. Additional cases for the AutoLayout when dealing with complex family trees. Arturo is working full time on it Smile

Edited: Wednesday, July 10, 2019 by GenoProSupport
Posted Friday, July 12, 2019 - Post #39972
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GenoPro version:

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Today marks exactly 4 years since GenoProX has been announced. I was excited to read recent update on development. Unfortunately update is short on good news. GenoProX is far from being finished. Given your to do list and pace of development it will take another 4 years.

I am also little disappointed over communication between developers and this forum. Last update was posted in September 2018. That is a long wait. Is there a way you could provide us with monthly updates? For software which is being developed full time, surely there is lot of progress done in one month.

All in all, it looks like the core problem is collaboration. This will continue to slow down development on other areas of the software, like features for drawing genograms. Does GenoProX offer simultaneous display of date and place of birth and death? This was one of more desired featured in the past. So far, screenshot you have provided show only basic drawing flexibility.

Why not move forward with simplified GenoProX? Why not release GenoProX without collaboration, video chat, reward system etc.? There are not many users requesting those features. How often do people work on exactly same genogram? And when it comes to sharing your work with family, there are countless cloud possibilities.

Simplified GenoProX release would allow you to work on collaboration in peace, while users will give you great feedback on the new software and how to improve it. Not to forget you will also have a new stream of income from this release.

Thank you again for the update, it was much appreciated.
Posted Friday, July 12, 2019 - Post #39973
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I agree with you the development of GenoProX is way behind schedule and it is very embarrassing to talk about it.  It is not that there have been major problems, but each task required more time than anticipated, starting with having a communication platform for multi-user collaboration. 

Why not move forward with simplified GenoProX? Why not release GenoProX without collaboration, video chat, reward system etc.? There are not many users requesting those features.
Releasing a version of GenoProX without collaboration would make it almost impossible to add collaboration later and would impede the development speed significantly.  People expect a product with backward compatibility so when they upgrade they do not lose their work.  As a result, on top of having to deal with the challenges of writing code for collaboration, we would have to have complicated convoluted code just to maintain backward compatibility with earlier releases. This extra code to maintain backward compatibility would be very bug prone because of the difficulty to test every upgrade path. There is no plan for video chat in any near future, and the reward system is only when we have a fully functional GenoProX with collaboration released to the public.

How often do people work on exactly same genogram?
This is our biggest request, and it comes mostly from our enterprise customers. We have social workers, lawyers, investment banks, hospitals, and universities wishing to share genograms with co-workers and their clients.  For instance, with collaboration, a professor may view in real-time all the genogram of his/her students, similar as security personnel could watch 16 video feeds simultaneously, and if a student needs helps, the professor may fix the genogram (or family tree) with a few mouse clicks.  No need to send the .gno file by email, fix it, and send it back.  With collaboration you always have a backup.  You may collaborate with "yourself" such as another computer you rarely use, or your smartphone.   Would you like to have your smartphone have a copy of your family tree, or your contacts in it?  We have so many people in my family, my relatives and the friends of my kids that I cannot remember all of them, however with a smartphone keeping a copy of all of them, this collaboration feature would be very useful for my wife and I to always keep up-to-date our contact list.

And when it comes to sharing your work with family, there are countless cloud possibilities.
 Sharing a file on the web is easy.  The challenge is having multiples users editing the same document simultaneously in real-time.  Do you know any cloud solution capable of this?  Please let me know.

Simplified GenoProX release would allow you to work on collaboration in peace, while users will give you great feedback on the new software and how to improve it. Not to forget you will also have a new stream of income from this release.
This is why we have GenoPro 2019.

PS: You may create text labels to display simultaneously the place of birth and place of death.  Usually those fields are a bit long so they need multiples lines, and perhaps a smaller font size, to appear nicely in the family tree.  This is what text labels are for.  GenoProX has an architecture of Observers where an object may register itself as an observer of another.  This will be useful for text labels automatically fetching their values from another object.  For instance, a text label could display the profession of an individual, and if you change the profession, then the text of the label will be automatically updated in the family tree.

Edited: Friday, July 12, 2019 by GenoProSupport
Posted Saturday, July 13, 2019 - Post #39974
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Has to be said: no one replied to my post asking what improvements there was between 2016 and 2018's versions, so I'm unlikely to pay another time for an upgrade to fund a version I'm not that interested in.

2016's version was a big improvement on the earlier ones and despite having paid for a gold licence many years ago, I paid for that upgrade. 
Posted Sunday, July 14, 2019 - Post #39976
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The improvements between GenoPro 2016 to GenoPro 2019 have been very minor, mostly bug fixes we discovered along the way, and a new security features for our enterprise customers.

By the way, your registration key for GenoPro 2016 is also valid for GenoPro 2019.
Posted Wednesday, July 17, 2019 - Post #39980
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Thanks for the update, we really appreciate.
I use Geno Pro using Crossover on a Mac and i can't wait to have a native app for Mac OS and the possiblity of keeping the tree with me in my smartphone and tablet at all time
Posted Thursday, July 18, 2019 - Post #39981
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We are compiling a Mac version every month, and so far all the features of GenoProX are working on Mac OSX 64-bit.
Posted Thursday, July 18, 2019 - Post #39982
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Posted Tuesday, December 10, 2019 - Post #40209
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GenoPro version:

Last Login: Tuesday, December 10, 2019
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Dear developers of GenoProX,

It is almost 4 and half years since GenoProX was announced. Can you give some update on development? Some screenshots of the GenoProX interface and genograms would be nice. I am wondering if GenoProX will ever be released. It was assured that this is full-time project, yet updates are far in between and with little progress to show. I would appreciate an honest answer.

Please reconsider releasing strip-down version of GenoProX. I understand that your target groups for GenoProX are enterprise users who need collaboration. However I dare to say many genealogy researchers would be happy with simpler update such as simultaneous display of multiple key data (e.g. date and place of birth, marriage, and death), simple hyperlinking of individuals or objects, and compatibility with iOS.

Looking forward to read all about the recent progress done on GenoProX.

Edited: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 by 212529

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