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I copied Code to Narrative ReportThen added Common folder and copied code into that then copied Common\Code into Skins
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Your 1st image, with the Code folder from Common folder copied into {EN} Narrative Report and nocheck.txt file in place, is what I expected to see but then you should have been presented with the Configuration Parameters dialog in a separate window (worth checking it was not hidden beneath another window) It can take a little while to appear.
I am totally confused by your other actions, you say you created a Common folder, why? there should already be a Common folder under Skins folder with a Code folder below it !! Apologies if my instructions were unclear. Only the 1st run stopped in Init.htm, the other two stopped in bootstrap.vbs trying to link to Common\Code Are you running on a standard Windows 10 installation? If you recreate the your first scenario you could try running without the Configuration Parameters dialog by setting the checkbox under Options tab of Generate Report dialog
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 by
Customers GenoPro version:
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 I have just upgraded to Windows 11 I uninstalled Genopro 2020 and deleted the contents of the Family Tree\Skins folder I installed Genopro 2020 Tried a small family - see output above I then tried again after ticking the Do not display the dialog - see output above - Success - just Google Map errorI then tried my large family and again successfully
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So you are back to square one without the benefit of updated reports (e.g. working StreetMaps maps instead of Google Maps)
There may be a problem under Windows 11 running Microsoft HTML Applications (HTA) files as used by the Configuration Parameters dialog. Or this may be due to anti-virus software blocking it.
I do not have anything capable of running Windows 11 to check but I will try to force install it on a old laptop.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Thursday, January 27, 2022 by
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I have started again - the code folder has Placeholder.txt in it, I am using 7Zip to unzip the skins, Report output same as first time I re-extracted the skins and added the nocheck.txt file and turned off the Do not display dialog,
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After copying Common to Narrative report
Administrators Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com GenoPro version:
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You said:
'After copying Common to Narrative report' Just to be clear, for the work-around solution you need to copy just the Code folder and its contents from Common to replace the dummy Code folder under {EN} Narrative Report. You also need the nocheck.txt file to be present. Your screen print suggests nocheck.txt was not present, hence the script then checks for the linked folder. Perhaps you could try this again. As to the original problem, i.e. the utility junction.exe does not appear to be working as I expect it to. Could you try running it from a command prompt please. i.e. press Windows key & R to get the Windows Run prompt and type cmd and press OK. Then copy and paste the following in the cmd.exe window to check for a link:
"C:\Users\philip dunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Skins\Common\junction.exe" "C:\Users\philip dunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\Code"and then press Enter Please report the result of this. Could you also try first deleting the Code folder from C:\Users\philip dunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report and then copy and paste the following in the cmd.exe window to try and create the link:
"C:\Users\philip dunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Skins\Common\junction.exe" "C:\Users\philip dunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\Code" "C:\Users\philip dunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Skins\Common\Code"
and then press Enter Please report the result of this.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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First step move code folder to Narrative Report, delete common folder and rerun - nocheck.txt is there I will now try your other requests
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When I ran C:\Users\philip dunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Skins\Common\junction.exe" "C:\Users\philip dunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\Code
The following was the result I will now do the next suggestion |
Customers GenoPro version:
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I deleted the code folder then ran C:\Users\philip dunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Skins\Common\junction.exe" "C:\Users\philip dunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Skins\{EN} Narrative Report\Code" "C:\Users\philip dunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Skins\Common\Code |