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Delete GNO file on Web

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Author GNO file still exists after deleting web published tree and online backup
Posted Wednesday, November 22, 2023 - Post #43556
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Help please. 
I want to remove the GNO file from the web. The GNO file still exists after deleting the web published tree and also the online backup from my profile. The GNO file exists as a direct URL on[User]/[Filename].gno
Posted Thursday, November 23, 2023 - Post #43558
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If the file is FamilyTree.gno then try publishing a dummy  report, e.g. from a .gno with a single dummy individual, to the same place (i.e. do not specify a web directory in the Web Publishing options and ensure 'no .gno file' is unchecked under 'Privacy' tab.  This should overwrite FamilyTree.gno

You could then try deleting this report.

If the file is not FamilyTree.gno then after publishing the dummy report as above try using the GenoPro FTP Client ( to delete it.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Posted Monday, November 27, 2023 - Post #43564
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The file is indeed FamilyTree.gno but it holds a very old copy of my tree, not the latest one.
As you suggested I tried publishing a new dummy report with 'no .gno file' unchecked so it was supposed to delete the file above but it did not. The FamilyTree.gno file still exists. This was done without Web publishing.
Then I checked on Web Publishing and there was a connection there so I removed it but the FamilyTree.gno file still exists.
There are no reports in my profile that I can delete.
After all these attempts a new file appeared "toc_individuals.htm' but it disappeared.
Bottom line the FamilyTree.gno file still exists and the URL to open it is still active.
What else should I do?
Posted Thursday, November 30, 2023 - Post #43569
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You said 'This was done without Web publishing'.  This will not achieve the desired result.  You should publish the dummy report to familytrees in the same place as the previous report. The idea is that the FamilyTree.gno from the dummy report will overwrite the one you are trying to remove. 

This should also add an entry to your 'Online Publications' on your profile page and it can then be deleted.

If I try and access I get a response indicating file not found, whereas if I access then I get a download prompt.  This suggests there is no such file under your famiytrees folder. 

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Thursday, November 30, 2023 by genome
Posted Sunday, December 3, 2023 - Post #43572
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There is also the 'problem' that the file deleted from the web will probably exist in your browser. So delete it from your browser
Posted Sunday, December 3, 2023 - Post #43574
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Ok, indeed when I clicked on the link I did get the download prompt every time and not the 'page not found' so I figured out myself that there was a cached file somewhere. After cleaning the cache the 'empty' tree suddenly appeared but still it was visible on the above link with only one name of my old tree for some reason. Had to delete everything again and empty the cache again and finally after several attempts the gno file disappeared. Now I could upload my tree again without the gno file.
Thank you both for your help.

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