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By 1222453 - Wednesday, March 20, 2013
trying to figure out how to upload my tree

By Howard53 - Thursday, March 21, 2013
If you wish to publish a report, see here. To backup your file online, see here.
By 1357085 - Thursday, December 19, 2013
I downloaded genpro on Windows 7 64 bit - but I am unable to open to start using the program.  It comes up on the screen but the only keys allowed are "new" and "open" and I have tried

everything to start my genpro.  What are I doing wrong ?
By jcmorin - Thursday, December 19, 2013
I suggest you read the "Getting started" with GenoPro, to learn how to draw your family tree/genogram.

By pjd0 - Monday, April 24, 2017
Last June generated narrative report with skin Narrative 2015 05 05 using Windows 10

Just tried to do the same again and it is failing after generating only about 3,000 of the 5,600 objects

It just stops with Processing template 'individual.htm' displayed no error messages or anything else the log of where it is up to disappears as well - no families are generated as it hasn't reached that far

[19.31] Processing template 'toc_entities.htm'...
[19.32] Processing template 'gmap.htm'...
[19.32] Processing template 'individual_map.htm'...
[19.34] Processing template 'family_map.htm'...
[19.34] Processing template 'scripts\tocstart.js'...
[19.36] Processing template 'individual.htm'...

The narrative report last modified dates look OK
I am running 2011 version

I noticed if you have done a search you get some details in that log:

Opening file 'C:\Users\pjdunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Dunlop Family Apr2017.gno'...
Reading file 'C:\Users\pjdunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Dunlop Family Apr2017.gno'...
Validating data...
[Import Summary]
   7 GenoMaps
   4208 Individuals
   1249 Families
   573 Marriages
   5444 PedigreeLinks
   61 Pictures
   153 Places
   27 Educations
   234 Occupations
   70 Contacts
   63 SourcesAndCitations
   1 Twins
Import complete with 0 errors!

[Search Results for 'rees']
   6 Individuals
   5 Families
Unable to create Debug Manager (hr=0x80040154)
Generating report to 'C:\Users\pjdunlop\Documents\HTML\Dunlop\'
Cloning document Dunlop Family Apr2017...
The privacy filter has removed 3561 living individuals which represents 84% of the total document.
    To turn off the privacy filter, visit the "Privacy" tab and uncheck the option "Remove All Living Individuals".
Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\Narrative_2015.05.05\*  (Narrative Report)'...
Loading Dictionary.xml...
[0.00] Processing template 'init.htm'...
Merging Config.xml version 2014.10.24 into ConfigMsgEN.xml version 2015.04.02.
Report Skin version 2015.05.05
Report Language code 'EN' Dictionary version '2015.04.02'
To disable display of parameter settings, tick the box under 'Options' tab of 'Generate Report' dialog.
Optimized Upload - Same Skin Version - Copying of Google Maps and Timeline support routines suppressed. See Config Params to override
N.B. Thumbnails for pictures and embedded pictures in GenoMaps will not be generated as the IrfanView package must be installed for this but IrfanView was not found on the path specified (or defaulted) in Config Parameter 'IrfanViewPath' (C:\Program Files (x86)\IrfanView\i_view32.exe)
[6.61] Processing template 'style.css'...
Applying theme 'Default_2'
Optimized Upload - Same Theme - Copying of theme files and images suppressed. See Config Params to override
[6.64] Processing template 'header.htm'...
[6.64] Processing template 'footer.htm'...
[6.65] Processing template 'cover.htm'...
[6.65] Processing template 'introduction.htm'...
[6.67] Processing template 'toc.xsl'...
[6.68] Processing template 'index.html'...
[6.68] Processing template 'default.htm'...
[6.70] Processing template 'toc_individuals.htm'...
[13.14] Processing template 'toc_families.htm'...
[13.28] Processing template 'toc_charts.htm'...
[13.39] Processing template 'toc_contacts.htm'...
[13.46] Processing template 'toc_places.htm'...
[13.48] Processing template 'toc_sources.htm'...
[13.51] Processing template 'toc_names.htm'...
[13.54] Processing template 'genomap.svg'...
[15.90] Processing template 'genomap.htm'...
[16.09] Processing template 'toc_genomaps.htm'...
[16.09] Processing template 'home.htm'...
[16.11] Processing template 'heading.htm'...
[16.12] Processing template 'calendar.htm'...
[16.12] Processing template 'scripts\calendarevents.js'...
[16.23] Processing template 'timeline.htm'...
[19.29] Processing template 'toc_timelines.htm'...
[19.31] Processing template 'toc_entities.htm'...
[19.32] Processing template 'gmap.htm'...
[19.32] Processing template 'individual_map.htm'...
[19.34] Processing template 'family_map.htm'...
[19.34] Processing template 'scripts\tocstart.js'...
[19.36] Processing template 'individual.htm'...

By genome - Monday, April 24, 2017
Unfortunately as there are no error messages in the report log you have posted then it is not possible to say why your report generation failed.

I am no longer maintaining the Narrative Report for Genopro 2011.  I suggest you download GenoPro 2016 and see if the updated Narrative Report skin in this version runs successfully.  You can try GenoPro 2016 for free and if you install into a different folder you should be able to keep GenoPro 2011 installed. 

If it works perhaps you will consider purchasing GenoPro 2016 otherwise you can continue to maintain your family tree data with GenoPro 2011 but use GenoPro 2016 to generate reports.

By pjd0 - Monday, April 24, 2017
Thanks Genome

I watched task manager as I suspected a memory issue - it went from to 80% while the report was generated.

I tried a couple of different parameters with no luck

Today I removed avast a virus program and everything is OK - report went to completion and memory use pretty flat

So all is OK
By genome - Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Glad you have managed to find the cause and fix it.

As a Narrative Report can generate thousands of html files then it will keep a virus checker quite busy if it is checking each one.  

If you have a large tree and you are generating to your local disc rather than a web site then it would be better to disable your antivirus software for the duration.
By greg7845 - Sunday, February 25, 2018

I am using GenoPro 2016, version and trying to create a Narrative Report using Narrative Report 2016.07.16.  GenoPro is installed on a windows 10 operating system and Google Chrome is being used as my search engine.

1.   The report runs without any error indications.  
2.   After running the report, an index shortcut is placed on my desktop that gives me access to the report.
3.   Problem:  Most of the following function tabs at the top of the report do not work. 

   Display the home page of the report; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"> Display all individuals in the report; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"> Display all families in the report; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"> Display all family tree diagrams in the report; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"> Display all occupancies and contacts in the report; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"> Display all places and locations in the report; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"> Display all the sources and citations in the report; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"> Display all groups and organizations (social entities); background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"> Display index of timelines in the report; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"> Event Calendar; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;"> Using this website; background-position: initial; background-size: initial; background-repeat: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial;">
Example: If I select the "Display All Individuals In the Report" tab, there is no response or change in the display.

This report ran fine a couple of years ago.  However, when I tried to run it today, the above problem surfaced.

Any assistance that you are able to provide will be greatly appreciated.

Ray Gregory

By genome - Monday, February 26, 2018
I guess you are trying to display the report locally using 'FILE' protocol rather than HTTP (i.e. not via a web server). Chrome in particular gave me problems here.  

Hopefully the replacement 'Narrative Common' folder provided in this thread Icon buttons fail in Chrome will fix it for you and anyone else with this issue.
By greg7845 - Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Thank you for your response.

I installed your change Narrative Common per your instructions.

Unfortunately, the navigation icons still do not work.

However, the problem more than likely is that I am running Chrome as a guest and am reluctant to give up my Yahoo browser since my mail system controled by Yahoo.

Consequently, is there any possibility that you can create correction to the Narrative Common that would process via Yahoo?

Ray C. Gregory
By genome - Tuesday, February 27, 2018
I think it should have worked if you correctly replaced the existing Narrative Common folder with the new one.

Check the bottom line of the home page of the generated report it should end with the words with code base 2017.09.05 .

You may need to clear your browser cache to ensure the latest report is displayed.
I have never worked with (or heard of) a Yahoo browser and it doesn't figure in browser market share figures and so I have no intention of looking at it.

Surely Yahoo Mail will run under Chrome?
By greg7845 - Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Thank you for your response.

1.  The bottom of my generated report using Narrative Report 2016.07.16 indicates that code base "2016.08.11" was used to create the report vice the code base "2017.09.05" that you have indicated should have been used.  Looks like there is the root of my problems.

2.  I now have Google Chrome set as my primary browser and am able to access MyYahoo mail etc. with no problems.

3.  At this point it is requested that you provide guidance solving my code base problem.

Thank you for so much for your help.

Ray Gregory
By genome - Wednesday, February 28, 2018
The only advice I have is that you ensure you unzip the downloaded Narrative Common folder into your GenoPro skins folder so that it replaces the existing one. 

I suggest you copy the path to your skins folder by running GenoPro, clicking Tools, Generate Report, then click the Options tab, click on the Report Skin folder at the bottom, use Ctrl & A then Ctrl & C to copy the path. 

Then use Windows Explorer to navigate to the folder where you downloaded Narrative, right click on that file, choose 'Extract All' from the context menu then use Ctrl & V to paste the path to your skins folder into the destination folder field then click Extract button.
By genome - Thursday, March 8, 2018
greg7845 wrote (moved from another thread)

I truly appreciate your help.  My last request to involved Narative report 2016.07.16 not functioning correctly.  Your response suggesting that the problem involved  an incorrect path was correct.  Now that the path problem has been solved, my narrative report generated by GenoPro® version on 2018.3.8 using skin template {EN} Narrative Common (2015.10.12) version 2017.05.02 
runs correctly except for the following function.  

When I click on any of the pictures displayed the following message is returned "The requested content cannot be loaded.
Please try again later."

All I am wanting the report to do is make the picture display larger for easier review.

Hopefully, you will be able to help me solve this one last problem.

Thanks again,

Ray Gregory

Not all of your pictures have been uploaded correctly, although there are some present, particularly under the surname Gregory.  

Did you notice any error messages in the Report Log when you generated this report?  

Missing pictures usually indicate that the pictures are not referenced correctly within GenoPro.  Perhaps the folder in which the pictures are held has changed? 

Please check that you can access the pictures from GenoPro and correct paths of any that you cannot see.
By greg7845 - Friday, March 9, 2018

Received the following via e-mail:

A user you arefollowing "genome" has posted new content.

You can view the post by clicking the link below...

In your response to my question regarding about not being able to select a larger view of the pictures in the resulting report.  Also, there were no errors found while producing the report.

1.  I checked the report and all of the GENO pro familytree pictures have been uploaded into the report and are displayed in a primary view.

2.  The poblem is that clicking on individual pictures does not provide an enlarged view of the picture.  All I get is the 

3.  I created a screen shot of the picture problem but could not figure out how to sent it to you.  The screen shot is saved as a .JPG.

Is there any way that I can send the .JPG screen shot of the problem to you?

Thanks again for your help.

Ray C. Gregory

By genome - Friday, March 9, 2018
Hi Ray,
Well it appears you have discovered a bug that has not  been reported to date, on further investigation I have discovered that the code used for displaying pictures, a 'lightbox' style package called FancyBox, was inadvertently omitted from my last Narrative Report skin template. These files are also missing from the skin template in GenoPro

Please ignore by earlier post, that was based on your last online report on familytrees, which I now assume is not report you are referring to.

So I have attached a corrected Report skin to this post. The zip file has the Narrative Common folder and also a {EN} Narrative Report folder with revised dates so that it will display as version 2018.03.09.  Please download and then unzip these folders into your GenoPro Report Skins folder as before.

Users of non-English versions of the Narrative Report will also benefit from using the revised Narrative Common.
By greg7845 - Saturday, March 10, 2018
Mr Gnome,

Again, thankyou for your help.

I did the download and the resulting report shows the following:  This genealogy report was generated by GenoPro® version on 2018.3.10 using skin template {EN} Narrative Common (2015.10.12) version 2017.05.02 

1.  The pictures are now displayed in a larger format.
2.  However, when I click on individual pictures, tjhe following message is still being displayed:  "The requested content cannot be loaded.Please try again later."

Did I somehow get the paths confused again?

By genome - Saturday, March 10, 2018
It would appear that you have not installed the update correctly. If you had then when you generate a Report you should find an entry under the Report Skin - Skin Name drop down list as follows:

\{EN} Narrative Report\* (2018.03.09) {EN}

and the bottom line on the home page of the report should read:

This genealogy report was generated by GenoPro® version on 2018.3.10 using modified skin template {EN} Narrative Report (2018.03.09) with code base 2018.03.09 

Please try and re-install the update as per my previous instructions.

Please also ensure that under the Options tag of the Generate Report dialogue you only have the LAST of the three check boxes ticked i.e. 'Link to all files from the web' and that you are not making the same error as in a post from you two years ago
By greg7845 - Monday, March 12, 2018
Sir Gnome,

1.  Your last response caused me to review my procedures for createing a report and discovered that my mistake was to not update the path to your update.  At any rate after updating  path, several reports were run using different existing narrative report themes and received the following interesting results:

      a.  In all cases the pictures were displayed.  
      b.  Some times the pictures were too large to suit my purposes.
      c.  In all cases when a picture was clicked on (The function is available in Genopro familytrees to obtain larger picture presentatiions) the messaage "The requested content cannot be loaded.  Please try again later." appears.

2.   My guess is that there is some kind of problem that keeps the viewer from funtioning like the viewer does in GenoPro.

Your help is greatly appreciated, so please stay with me on this one.   

Again, thank you for your help.
By genome - Monday, March 12, 2018
I am still not convinced that you have installed the updated correctly. I am unsure as to what you refer to when you said you needed to 'update the path to my update'.

Before we continue, please confirm the following checks from my last post. 

  1. After unzipping the  the update into your report skins folder and you then start GenoPro,  the entry \{EN} Narrative Report\* (2018.03.09) {EN} appears in the drop down list of skins in the 'Generate Report' dialogue. 
  2. Under the 'Options' tab of the 'Generate Report' dialogue, you have only ticked the checkbox 'Link to all files from the web'
  3. The home page of the generated report has a line similar to
    This genealogy report was generated by GenoPro® version on 2018.3.10 using modified skin template {EN} Narrative Report (2018.03.09) with code base 2018.03.09
     is displayed

Once you have verified those points, please open your generated report using Google's Chrome browser and navigate to a page where pictures are not displayed correctly for you. Then press the F12 key to obtain the Chrome devtools window.  Click the 'console'  menu header on that window and report here any error messages i.e. messages displayed in red colour.

  1. BTW for the record my name is not Mr/Sir Gnome!, by user id on this forum is 'genome'  and my first name is Ron
By greg7845 - Tuesday, March 13, 2018

First, I realliy did not intend to offend you and will use "genome" from now on. 

I have followed/verified  first 2 steps that you described and all of my data matches yours.  Regarding step 3,  I oppend a report and clicked on one of the pictures  and a box containing " The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later." appeared.   Then I oppened google tool box and found error message "Failed to load resource:     ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND"  appeared.    Note:  There is some un-editable text on this editor that may confuse this message when posted.  Thanks for your help, Greg

By genome - Tuesday, March 13, 2018
The 'File Not Found' is the picture that FancyBox is trying to open.  The Chrome DevTools console should also show the name and path of the file that is not found.  What is it?  It should reside in the media folder of the destination folder for the report.  
By greg7845 - Tuesday, March 13, 2018

I believe the following is what you are looking for:  

/C:/07-1%20Genealogy/..07-1%20Genealogy/Pictures/anderson-jason%202-28-04.BMP:1 GET file:///C:/07-1%20Genealogy/..07-1%20Genealogy/Pictures/anderson-jason%202-28-04.BMP net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND .

It appears to me that the path shows the path I use in Genopro to Familytree files and not the destination path to  report folders that contaiin pictures in html.


Different problem:  There is un-editable text showing on the screen I am typing on that should not be there.  Can you tell me how to get rid of it?
By genome - Wednesday, March 14, 2018
The GenoPro Report Generator uses the original picture location if you have ticked that option in the generate report dialogue, so once again I ask you to check that you have not set the option to link to all files on your computer.

I also notice that your pictures are in .bmp, or bit map, format.  I strongly urge you to convert your pictures to a more compact format such as .jpg
By greg7845 - Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thank you for setting me straight about the picture path selection options.

For what ever it is worth, since I do not store pictures on line,  my thought was that by selecting the local picture path the resulting report could be transported/shared with a non-GenoPro user for review purposes. 

Is there an explaination somewhere that explains the purpose of those selection options?

I do apologyze for taking up so much of your time.  

Thanks again for your help.   

By Shiran - Thursday, March 22, 2018
I have uploaded my family tree, but unable to view since message appears as '' You do not have permission to view this directory or page.''

Please Advice.

Thanking you.
By GenoProSupport - Thursday, March 22, 2018
Shiran (22-Mar-2018)
I have uploaded my family tree, but unable to view since message appears as '' You do not have permission to view this directory or page.''
In your case, the entire publication was deleted.  There is nothing left in that folder.
By 1915681 - Saturday, April 7, 2018
Sos, need help how to "REMOVE TREES" i already posted.  FAQ says i can remove via the Control Panel, but none of the posts i created is appearing in my Control Panel.  Can someone please show me how to DELETE posted TREES?

By appleshaw - Saturday, April 7, 2018
Look in
There is a table where you can scroll down to Online Publications. If you published to GenoPro that is where you will find reports.
Reports may still be seen on your PC as they will still be in your cache, so try to clear the cache
By 1915681 - Saturday, April 7, 2018
Great, found it, you're an angel!!!  Thank you
By pjd0 - Friday, October 19, 2018
Using Narrative Report (2018-03-09) EN with 2018 version, same result with initial Narrative Report downloaded with 2018
Tried to display single individuals page and get 'Can't reach this page'
With Narrative report 2015_05-05 EN this works fine

Checking both files they seem identical using WinMerge

thanks Philip
By pjd0 - Friday, October 19, 2018
To add environment to previous post Windows 10 using Edge
By pjd0 - Tuesday, October 23, 2018
It is OK starting from default but not when trying to open/display single page

By genome - Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Could try downloading and installing the updated Report Skins bundle from here and then generate your report again.