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Thank you for your response.
I installed your change Narrative Common per your instructions. Unfortunately, the navigation icons still do not work. However, the problem more than likely is that I am running Chrome as a guest and am reluctant to give up my Yahoo browser since my mail system controled by Yahoo. Consequently, is there any possibility that you can create correction to the Narrative Common that would process via Yahoo? Ray C. Gregory
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I think it should have worked if you correctly replaced the existing Narrative Common folder with the new one.
Check the bottom line of the home page of the generated report it should end with the words with code base 2017.09.05 .You may need to clear your browser cache to ensure the latest report is displayed. I have never worked with (or heard of) a Yahoo browser and it doesn't figure in browser market share figures and so I have no intention of looking at it. Surely Yahoo Mail will run under Chrome?
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Edited: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 by
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Thank you for your response.
1. The bottom of my generated report using Narrative Report 2016.07.16 indicates that code base "2016.08.11" was used to create the report vice the code base "2017.09.05" that you have indicated should have been used. Looks like there is the root of my problems. 2. I now have Google Chrome set as my primary browser and am able to access MyYahoo mail etc. with no problems. 3. At this point it is requested that you provide guidance solving my code base problem. Thank you for so much for your help. Ray Gregory
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The only advice I have is that you ensure you unzip the downloaded Narrative Common folder into your GenoPro skins folder so that it replaces the existing one.
I suggest you copy the path to your skins folder by running GenoPro, clicking Tools, Generate Report, then click the Options tab, click on the Report Skin folder at the bottom, use Ctrl & A then Ctrl & C to copy the path. Then use Windows Explorer to navigate to the folder where you downloaded Narrative Common.zip, right click on that file, choose 'Extract All' from the context menu then use Ctrl & V to paste the path to your skins folder into the destination folder field then click Extract button.
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greg7845 wrote (moved from another thread) I truly appreciate your help. My last request to involved Narative report 2016.07.16 not functioning correctly. Your response suggesting that the problem involved an incorrect path was correct. Now that the path problem has been solved, my narrative report generated by GenoPro® version on 2018.3.8 using skin template {EN} Narrative Common (2015.10.12) version 2017.05.02 runs correctly except for the following function.
When I click on any of the pictures displayed the following message is returned "The requested content cannot be loaded.Please try again later."
All I am wanting the report to do is make the picture display larger for easier review.
Hopefully, you will be able to help me solve this one last problem.
Not all of your pictures have been uploaded correctly, although there are some present, particularly under the surname Gregory.
Did you notice any error messages in the Report Log when you generated this report?
Missing pictures usually indicate that the pictures are not referenced correctly within GenoPro. Perhaps the folder in which the pictures are held has changed?
Please check that you can access the pictures from GenoPro and correct paths of any that you cannot see.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Received the following via e-mail: A user you arefollowing "genome" has posted new content.
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http://support.genopro.com/FindPost38597.aspxIn your response to my question regarding about not being able to select a larger view of the pictures in the resulting report. Also, there were no errors found while producing the report. 1. I checked the report and all of the GENO pro familytree pictures have been uploaded into the report and are displayed in a primary view. 2. The poblem is that clicking on individual pictures does not provide an enlarged view of the picture. All I get is the 3. I created a screen shot of the picture problem but could not figure out how to sent it to you. The screen shot is saved as a .JPG. Is there any way that I can send the .JPG screen shot of the problem to you? Thanks again for your help. Ray C. Gregory
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Hi Ray,Well it appears you have discovered a bug that has not been reported to date, on further investigation I have discovered that the code used for displaying pictures, a 'lightbox' style package called FancyBox, was inadvertently omitted from my last Narrative Report skin template. These files are also missing from the skin template in GenoPro Please ignore by earlier post, that was based on your last online report on familytrees, which I now assume is not report you are referring to. So I have attached a corrected Report skin to this post. The zip file has the Narrative Common folder and also a {EN} Narrative Report folder with revised dates so that it will display as version 2018.03.09. Please download and then unzip these folders into your GenoPro Report Skins folder as before. Users of non-English versions of the Narrative Report will also benefit from using the revised Narrative Common.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Narrative Update.zip
2.58 MB)
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Mr Gnome,
Again, thankyou for your help. I did the download and the resulting report shows the following: This genealogy report was generated by GenoPro® version on 2018.3.10 using skin template {EN} Narrative Common (2015.10.12) version 2017.05.02
1. The pictures are now displayed in a larger format.2. However, when I click on individual pictures, tjhe following message is still being displayed: "The requested content cannot be loaded.Please try again later."
Did I somehow get the paths confused again? |
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It would appear that you have not installed the update correctly. If you had then when you generate a Report you should find an entry under the Report Skin - Skin Name drop down list as follows:
\{EN} Narrative Report\* (2018.03.09) {EN}
and the bottom line on the home page of the report should read:
This genealogy report was generated by GenoPro® version on 2018.3.10 using modified skin template {EN} Narrative Report (2018.03.09) with code base 2018.03.09
Please try and re-install the update as per my previous instructions.
Please also ensure that under the Options tag of the Generate Report dialogue you only have the LAST of the three check boxes ticked i.e. 'Link to all files from the web' and that you are not making the same error as in a post from you two years ago http://support.genopro.com/Topic36200.aspx
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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Sir Gnome,
1. Your last response caused me to review my procedures for createing a report and discovered that my mistake was to not update the path to your update. At any rate after updating path, several reports were run using different existing narrative report themes and received the following interesting results: a. In all cases the pictures were displayed. b. Some times the pictures were too large to suit my purposes. c. In all cases when a picture was clicked on (The function is available in Genopro familytrees to obtain larger picture presentatiions) the messaage "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later." appears. 2. My guess is that there is some kind of problem that keeps the viewer from funtioning like the viewer does in GenoPro. Your help is greatly appreciated, so please stay with me on this one. Again, thank you for your help. Greg
Edited: Wednesday, March 14, 2018 by