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trying to figure out how to upload my tree
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I downloaded genpro on Windows 7 64 bit - but I am unable to open to start using the program. It comes up on the screen but the only keys allowed are "new" and "open" and I have tried
everything to start my genpro. What are I doing wrong ?
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Last June generated narrative report with skin Narrative 2015 05 05 using Windows 10
Just tried to do the same again and it is failing after generating only about 3,000 of the 5,600 objects
It just stops with Processing template 'individual.htm' displayed no error messages or anything else the log of where it is up to disappears as well - no families are generated as it hasn't reached that far
[19.31] Processing template 'toc_entities.htm'... [19.32] Processing template 'gmap.htm'... [19.32] Processing template 'individual_map.htm'... [19.34] Processing template 'family_map.htm'... [19.34] Processing template 'scripts\tocstart.js'... [19.36] Processing template 'individual.htm'...
The narrative report last modified dates look OK I am running 2011 version
I noticed if you have done a search you get some details in that log:
Opening file 'C:\Users\pjdunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Dunlop Family Apr2017.gno'... Reading file 'C:\Users\pjdunlop\Documents\Family Tree\Dunlop Family Apr2017.gno'... Validating data... [Import Summary] 7 GenoMaps 4208 Individuals 1249 Families 573 Marriages 5444 PedigreeLinks 61 Pictures 153 Places 27 Educations 234 Occupations 70 Contacts 63 SourcesAndCitations 1 Twins Import complete with 0 errors!
[Search Results for 'rees'] 6 Individuals 5 Families Unable to create Debug Manager (hr=0x80040154) Generating report to 'C:\Users\pjdunlop\Documents\HTML\Dunlop\' Cloning document Dunlop Family Apr2017... The privacy filter has removed 3561 living individuals which represents 84% of the total document. To turn off the privacy filter, visit the "Privacy" tab and uncheck the option "Remove All Living Individuals". Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\Narrative_2015.05.05\* (Narrative Report)'... Loading Dictionary.xml... [0.00] Processing template 'init.htm'... Merging Config.xml version 2014.10.24 into ConfigMsgEN.xml version 2015.04.02. Report Skin version 2015.05.05 Report Language code 'EN' Dictionary version '2015.04.02' To disable display of parameter settings, tick the box under 'Options' tab of 'Generate Report' dialog. Optimized Upload - Same Skin Version - Copying of Google Maps and Timeline support routines suppressed. See Config Params to override N.B. Thumbnails for pictures and embedded pictures in GenoMaps will not be generated as the IrfanView package must be installed for this but IrfanView was not found on the path specified (or defaulted) in Config Parameter 'IrfanViewPath' (C:\Program Files (x86)\IrfanView\i_view32.exe) [6.61] Processing template 'style.css'... Applying theme 'Default_2' Optimized Upload - Same Theme - Copying of theme files and images suppressed. See Config Params to override [6.64] Processing template 'header.htm'... [6.64] Processing template 'footer.htm'... [6.65] Processing template 'cover.htm'... [6.65] Processing template 'introduction.htm'... [6.67] Processing template 'toc.xsl'... [6.68] Processing template 'index.html'... [6.68] Processing template 'default.htm'... [6.70] Processing template 'toc_individuals.htm'... [13.14] Processing template 'toc_families.htm'... [13.28] Processing template 'toc_charts.htm'... [13.39] Processing template 'toc_contacts.htm'... [13.46] Processing template 'toc_places.htm'... [13.48] Processing template 'toc_sources.htm'... [13.51] Processing template 'toc_names.htm'... [13.54] Processing template 'genomap.svg'... [15.90] Processing template 'genomap.htm'... [16.09] Processing template 'toc_genomaps.htm'... [16.09] Processing template 'home.htm'... [16.11] Processing template 'heading.htm'... [16.12] Processing template 'calendar.htm'... [16.12] Processing template 'scripts\calendarevents.js'... [16.23] Processing template 'timeline.htm'... [19.29] Processing template 'toc_timelines.htm'... [19.31] Processing template 'toc_entities.htm'... [19.32] Processing template 'gmap.htm'... [19.32] Processing template 'individual_map.htm'... [19.34] Processing template 'family_map.htm'... [19.34] Processing template 'scripts\tocstart.js'... [19.36] Processing template 'individual.htm'...
Edited: Monday, April 24, 2017 by
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Unfortunately as there are no error messages in the report log you have posted then it is not possible to say why your report generation failed.
I am no longer maintaining the Narrative Report for Genopro 2011. I suggest you download GenoPro 2016 and see if the updated Narrative Report skin in this version runs successfully. You can try GenoPro 2016 for free and if you install into a different folder you should be able to keep GenoPro 2011 installed. If it works perhaps you will consider purchasing GenoPro 2016 otherwise you can continue to maintain your family tree data with GenoPro 2011 but use GenoPro 2016 to generate reports.
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Thanks Genome
I watched task manager as I suspected a memory issue - it went from to 80% while the report was generated.
I tried a couple of different parameters with no luck
Today I removed avast a virus program and everything is OK - report went to completion and memory use pretty flat
So all is OK
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Glad you have managed to find the cause and fix it.
As a Narrative Report can generate thousands of html files then it will keep a virus checker quite busy if it is checking each one. If you have a large tree and you are generating to your local disc rather than a web site then it would be better to disable your antivirus software for the duration.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
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I am using GenoPro 2016, version and trying to create a Narrative Report using Narrative Report 2016.07.16. GenoPro is installed on a windows 10 operating system and Google Chrome is being used as my search engine.1. The report runs without any error indications. 2. After running the report, an index shortcut is placed on my desktop that gives me access to the report. 3. Problem: Most of the following function tabs at the top of the report do not work. |
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I guess you are trying to display the report locally using 'FILE' protocol rather than HTTP (i.e. not via a web server). Chrome in particular gave me problems here.
Hopefully the replacement 'Narrative Common' folder provided in this thread Icon buttons fail in Chrome will fix it for you and anyone else with this issue.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"