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Customization of grid size

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Posted Monday, January 23, 2006 - Post #10011
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Would it be possible to customize the grid size? I can't see such a customization at the moment, but maybe I just don't know where to look. At present I do use the grid lines to keep my entries evenly spaced, but I tend to put alternate generations either exactly on the grid lines or exactly half way between them. Also, I think I could squeeze out some white-space without looking too ugly if I placed my individuals about 10% closer together. But, I feel the vertical interval is slightly too short. So I personally would specify the horizontal grid interval about 45% of what it is at present, and the vertical grid interval about 110%-120% of what it is at present, and so deviate from the current square grid.
Posted Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - Post #10020
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You may select entire tree (right click-> select entire tree) and using function make all items smaller... In that way you'll get more space in between already present items (if you already don't use smallest icons and text). Size of grid is something that is as such by default...

What might be done after version 2.0 is to implement a function increase distance between items...

"εν οιδα οτι ουδεν οιδα" (Σωκρατησ)  - "The only thing that I know is that I don't know anything" (Socrates)
Posted Thursday, January 26, 2006 - Post #10040
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V.L.o (1/24/2006)
What might be done after version 2.0 is to implement a function increase distance between items...

That's my real "Autoarrange" wish.

I don't need another tool, except this one, because my tree is ok, but when I make a lot of new items, I want to expand (in horizontal) and all the items will have the same distance between them.

Edited: Friday, January 27, 2006 by GenoProSupport

Posted Friday, January 27, 2006 - Post #10041
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I would like to second the request for the ability to change the grid spacing.

The current grid is in steps of 10.  I would love to be able to change it to 8 horizontally and 14 vertically.  This would make the alignmet process so much quicker, instead of having to count the steps between each icon.

Posted Saturday, March 4, 2006 - Post #10512
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Hi! I've been away for a while... having a tough semester in the university. I see a lot has happened here since my last visit and the software just keeps getting better. Can't wait to begin translation. Tongue

Customization of the grid size is something I have suggested way back, a year or so ago. I proposed it on the old forum and if I remember correctly I even wrote it in e-mail to Dan. I don't understand why this suggestion is (again) ignored. I think it would be most helpful in the way howard described.
Hopefully Dan will now take these requests into account.

Posted Saturday, March 4, 2006 - Post #10527
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You are right, this request has been posted a long time ago.  The problem is this is not an easy fix.  The value "snap-to-grid" has been hardcoded and is used everywhere, and so the grid size.  The customization of the grid size requires the customization of four values, grid width, grid height, snap width and snap height.

GenoPro has special code, such as when pasting (Ctrl+V) to adjust the selection to the "dominant snap" for both X and Y.  Having a variable snap-to-grid requires updates to many routines.  I am not saying this is impossible to fix, however it requires writing a fair amount and/or a serious hack, especially if the grid size has to be stored in the .gno file.  If the value is stored in the .gno file, it has to be stored in the .xml with full validation.  A value of zero would crash GenoPro.  Also, the grid size must be remembered in the registry for new documents.

Posted Sunday, March 5, 2006 - Post #10536
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GenoProSupport (3/4/2006)
You are right, this request has been posted a long time ago. The problem is this is not an easy fix. The value "snap-to-grid" has been hardcoded and is used everywhere, and so thegrid size. The customization of the grid size requires the customization of four values, grid width, grid height, snap width and snap height.

Thank you for your reply. Geez... I didn't realize at all it could need so much effort to 'define a few lines'. Unsure

But I'm curious: Isn't it so, that the current 'snap width' and 'snap height' are 10 units in the coordinate system i.e. when I move an object from the origin (0,0) to the right one step, it's final position is (10,0), and if I have a misaligned object for example at (2,2) and move it right one step it's final position will be (12,12)? But the actual visible grid lines are defined so that horizontal lines are (x,100n) and vertical lines are at (100m,y), where m and n are integers?

If the case above is true, could we leave the 'snap' coordinates alone and let only the grid line arguments to be variables? Because this is what I meant in the first place and I think Howard did too (I underline the important points):

Howard (1/27/2006)
The current grid is in steps of 10. I would love to be able to change it to 8 horizontally and 14 vertically. This would make the alignmet process so much quicker, instead of having to count the steps between each icon.

So if one step in the coordinate system is 10 units, shouldn't it work if we had a dialog to give amount of horizontal steps (X) and vertical steps (Y) so that the software would draw horizontal lines at (x,Y*10n) and vertical lines are (X*10m,y), where m and n are integers?

One final comment: Percentual scaling of everything is not what I had in mind. (Reviewing PEH's post I now understand we don't exactly speak about the same thing.)
Posted Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - Post #10846
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I wonder why there is no comment on the latest arguments.. Unsure
Posted Tuesday, March 28, 2006 - Post #10850
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Rjn (3/28/2006)
I wonder why there is no comment on the latest arguments.. Unsure

...Dozetoo much for our poor minds...

I had to draw it on piece of paper to get what you have been thinkingSmile. So I agree that there might be an option to recalculate distances on global level in vertical and/or horizontal direction, but as I get it it might be done with *vbs script.

 Grid is as it is. In metric system default units are in steps times 10... There might be an option to redefine default grid density, it would certainly help if your default distance has been recalculated, but how complicated it is... We should let an Author to decide how high on his list of priorities it might be...

"εν οιδα οτι ουδεν οιδα" (Σωκρατησ)  - "The only thing that I know is that I don't know anything" (Socrates)
Posted Monday, December 18, 2006 - Post #15276
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Congratulations for GenoPro 2.0! Cool You've done GREAT JOB and I sincerely want to thank you for this great program! I just can't wait we can start translating the report generator, software and documentation! I'm certain that old people who do not know English would be more than pleased to have it in their own language... so, when you're ready to go, you can count me in for Finnish translation. Tongue:

Meanwhile I wanted to bump this old old topic up again. I did a little work and produced two sample pictures of what I had in mind. I understood the problem with grid snapping allright but it's not the snap I would like to alter (snapping in 10x10 "invisible grid" is fine and I think should not be touched), BUT the visible grey lines in integer multiples of 10 units. The dialog for alternating the grid could be something like:

Horizontal grid lines [ ] x 10 units
Vertical grid lines [ ] x 10 units

Please take a look at the sample pictures below. The first one is a sample of 60x60 unit grid (actually 30x30 -as I've placed objects halfway in between lines - but there is no need to draw that dense grid), and the second represents my own system I prefer to use to make my trees coherent (see explanations), that is, 60x150 unit grid.

I'll be away during the holidays so I'll wish you all merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See you again in 2007!

gridspl1.jpg (145 views, 163.17 KB)
gridspl2.jpg (143 views, 190.07 KB)

Edited: Monday, December 18, 2006 by Rjn

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