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לא. אפשר ששתי הגירסאות "יחיו" זו בצד זו. המלצה שלי: תתקיני את הביטא. היא הרבה יותר טובה מהגירסה הרשמית, ויש בה הרבה יותר יכולות.
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No, you can have both versions on your PC. The Beta will install in a different directory and will read your existing file. When you save it there will be 2 GenoPro files. The .gno can only be read by the Beta but there will also be a .v1x.gno file which your earlier version can read. There will also be a third file with .xml suffix, which can be opened in Beta if needed (which is not necessary for normal use)
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HAVAPO (3/5/2006) If I'll install Genopro 2.0 Beta will it relace the officaial version?If you go to the page http://www.genopro.com/beta/ you will read: By default, the setup program will install the beta in the folder "C:\Program Files\GenoPro Beta" so both GenoPro 1.x and the beta version can coexist on the same machine. The beta saves in both the native .gno format and also in the .xml format, so there is no risk of loosing any data. Also, the final GenoPro 2.0 will automatically import the files created by GenoPro Beta so you won't have to restart from scratch.
Edited: Sunday, March 5, 2006 by
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If I'll install Genopro 2.0 Beta will it relace the officaial version?
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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GenoPro 1.x has no support for Unicode. The report generator of GenoPro 1.x uses a hack to create reports in other languages. Somethimes the hack works and sometimes it does not work.GenoPro 2.0 does support Unicode at the core to handle family trees into multiple languages. There is no substitute for Unicode and I spent over 6 months writing code to support Unicode in GenoPro 2.0. GenoPro 2.0 is the way to go, and you are welcome to use the Beta at http://www.genopro.com/beta/.
Customers Important Contributors Translator GenoPro version:
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It seems that you are using the official version of GenoPro and not the Beta which has a lot more possibilities.Download the beta from http://www.genopro.com/beta and try generating the report then. Second - the default skin is in English and not in Hebrew. You have to create and Hebrew skin in order for the report to be in Hebrew.
Edited: Saturday, March 4, 2006 by
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I am using the default skin in Hebrew of the GenoPro. I didn't create a new one.I copied here sample of the first page that I got from the generation process.這份報告是來自 GenoPro 家譜軟件。這家譜軟件雍有 Skin 的功能,它匯集了各種的語言來發表你的家譜於網上。你可以使用源自 GenoPro 家譜軟件的 FTP Settings 來發表這份報告於網上。若沒網站,你可以注冊一個於 Geocities.com 或 Tripod.com。欲知詳情,請讀 online help。報告分類為:姓冊索引 家庭冊索引 גולדבר?br> דגניבורכובסק?br> בורנשטיי?br> אייזנרדיסקיןהמ?br> ברונשטיי?br> אנתונייולו?br> יופהטייבלו?br> טננבאו?br> ליבנ?br> רוברטסוןפוסמ?br> פדרמ?br> פורתעירדפלדמ?br> רלסו?br> פרדקיןפק?br> שגיאשח?br> קיריית?br> קרייתי 這份報告是 GenoPro 家譜軟件 Version 1.90 的新特點。GenoPro 家譜軟件正在改善這特點,讓你可以自創自己所各的 Skins。GenoPro 家譜軟件 Version 1.91 將讓你自創所需的 Skin 來打報告。Copyright © 1998-2002 GenoPro Inc. All rights reserved. GenoPro and the GenoPro logo are trademarks of GenoPro Inc.What can I do?
Customers Important Contributors Translator GenoPro version:
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HAVAPO (2/15/2006)
I am trying to create HTML report in Hebrew. All the individuals information are in Hebrew. I try to Generate Report with Report skin: Language: (HE) Hebrew (1) Skin name: Generic Report (HE). After generating the report I get the index page with fonts that look like Chinese and other pages with some letters in Hebrew and others unreadable. Can you help You have to save the skin (each file you are modifying) that you created in Unicode. Are you creating your own Hebrew skin or you are translating GenoPro default English skin?
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Thursday, March 15, 2012
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I am trying to create HTML report in Hebrew.All the individuals information are in Hebrew. I try to Generate Report with Report skin: Language: (HE) Hebrew (1) Skin name: Generic Report (HE). After generating the report I get the index page with fonts that look like Chinese and other pages with some letters in Hebrew and others unreadable. Can you help