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Phrase Generator Documentation

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Author Documentation of the features of the report generator
Posted Thursday, June 8, 2006 - Post #11455
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The documentation of the phrase generator is available at  Any comments about the the phrase generator are welcome.

Edited: Thursday, June 8, 2006 by GenoProSupport
Posted Thursday, June 8, 2006 - Post #11457
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Thank you very much. That’s very informative. However, unless I miss something, your document is about “phrase formatting”. What about processing the said “formatted phrase”? I did a search in your document default page and couldn’t find any occurrence of “Lang.vbs”. If I’m not mistaken, the various .htm report files are written by lang.vbs? If so, a formatted phrase in dic.htm is pretty useless without a proper write instruction within lang.vbs. If I’m wrong, ignore this reply otherwise please carry on.

 As we are far from being all programmers nor familiar with your prog languages: VBscript, HTML and XML, I think a proper introduction, a simple one, should be included prior to your detailed phrases gene make-up explanation:

1) tell the users about the prog languages you’re using.

2) direct, for info, the users to a help site in order to get acquainted to the prog syntaxes of the above languages. I personally like

3) to explain the interactive process in-between lang.vbs, dic.htm and the produced .htm file(s):

- where to create the “report.writephrasedic …”, for example, within Lang.vbs (and/or possibly Util.vbs?).

- how to set up variables.

- how and where to find the required permanent/ field names/parameters that users want to  process.

4) to show a simple example of what to write in lang.vbs, dic.htm and the output phrase in .htm file(s).

5) then start your detailed explanation.

Please excuse my humble person if all the above is not totally correct but I hope you  got the meaning.

Thank you.

Posted Friday, June 9, 2006 - Post #11464
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This documentation was released, so you don't have to wait for the entire documentation to be completed.  This page documents the WritePhrase function to assist people when improving their report skin.

You can write a skin in either JavaScript of VBScript.  In both cases, the documentation remains the same, except the syntax such as parenthesis and the semicolon.

Full documentation with sample code will be provided in our new developer web site.

The old documentation about the report generator is still partially there at

Edited: Friday, June 9, 2006 by GenoProSupport

Posted Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - Post #40029
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The report was nice. It is very informative. you can visit our site codingtag as it is helpful for explaining all languages from basics to advanced.
Thank you 

Posted Sunday, February 2, 2020 - Post #40274
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