Presented to
Nat G Carwile
By Visiting Eagles
May 7 1904
Even with all that detail I have been unable to turn up anything more than Nat G Carwile lived in Billings Montana in the 1900s and was a senior partner at Carwile and Bouton. The local paper ends at 1902.
I assume 'Visiting Eagles' was an Indian tribe of some sort, although it could be a fraternal organization; during the course of Googling I discovered the Eagles are an old fraternal organization along the lines of the Masons. Oh yeah, I think Nat G Carwile was a Mason as well. I doubt they've got an extensive search engine in their records however.
Any assistance anyone can provide in tracking down the history of this item would be immensely appreciated. This item is likely the only thing in his estate with any significant value, so we are greatly interested in determining its history.
chris cogburn