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Tree Printing.....Why do I have small font

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Posted Friday, January 12, 2007 - Post #15780
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I have also found a magnifying glass useful to read small fonts - my eye sight ain't wot it wos. However this only occurs when I am mean with my use of paper, ie how many pages in the tiling.

There have been several discussions on this forum, eg

Basically there are two approaches to font size

1 Use the font magnification Ctrl-+ on selected or all objects. The problem here is that this can lead to overlapping text, so the alternative is better

2 Arrange the tree to minimize space between individuals and then print the tree over enough pages to give a readable font size.

GenoPro 2007 now uses a different method to set the number of pages - it does not set the number of pages but specifies a zoom factor, by default 100%. This will give a readable display (without glasses!) but you may need to tune the zoom factor or Genogram to get the printout you want
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2007 - Post #15776
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Does your just announced GenoPro 2007 now support larger font size for printing? I've been waiting about 4 years for this!

Genopro's ability to produce relatively complex to complex family trees on a reasonable size when printed and tiled together is head and shoulders above anything else I've ever seen. Unfortunately its font limitation makes it useless for anyone who has not excellent eyesight and a magnifying glass.

Michael Collinson
Posted Friday, September 1, 2006 - Post #12797
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It obviously depends on how big your tree is but you should be able to get a font that you can read. If you want it to be on a single sheet then you will have to find a way of getting it to a large sheet of paper- probably via a print shop and pdf file.

On your own printer you should get a good size print by setting horizontal and vertical pages to be more than one. When GenoPro produces a printout of this type it ignores blank pages.

One possibility is that you have a relict item on the display which is defining the printing area. When you use the Page set up, later versions of 2Beta show the area included in the print by colouring the display blue. Zoom out and check that this area corresponds with the tree and does not include large blank areas
Posted Friday, September 1, 2006 - Post #12796
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I experimented with the vertical/horizontal pages but still get the Tree coming out very small when printed.
Posted Friday, September 1, 2006 - Post #12792
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At present the scale of printing is set by your choice of number of pages (vertical & horizontal). The preview shows what this will look like.
If you want to change the font size of all on the display; select all (Ctrl-A); and increase font size with Ctrl-+. However check this does not cause overlap of words etc
Posted Friday, September 1, 2006 - Post #12789
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No matter what I do, whenever I print out my tree the printout of my tree is in a small font.

How can I enlarge the font prior to printing so that my tree is easily readable when printed.

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