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Hi, first-time poster here.I am currently using GenoPro beta on the evaluation key, and like it so much that I will be buying it in the next couple of days. However - I do have a feature request, which whilst I admit is of limited function for most people, would be very useful for me, and I hope is simple to implement. I am writing a novel, and use GenoPro to keep a track of all the characters, major and minor, along with their relationships and so forth, and it is incredibly useful for this purpose. However, as my novel is set in 1108, every character is shown as dead, even my hero!! I would like to have the option of being able to tell GenoPro when 'now' is, rather than it taking the date directly from Windows, and as the years pass in my novel, I can change the year in GenoPro, thus updating the living and dead characters. Is this possible? And is it a likely feature to be added? Thanks anyway for a fantastic program. John
Edited: Tuesday, September 5, 2006 by
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Customers GenoPro version:
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Fantastic! I didn't even know that was there (I have never found any other genealogy program that has this feature).I can't wait to try it when I get home from work (novel writing is, currently, spare time only). Thanks again John
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Sunday, August 30, 2015
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This is a really nice option - and the search function of the forum works 
Would it be possible to save the requested "current time" with the document? I have several different files where I have different base time lines (current and different fixed ones).
There also was a discussion of text fields somewhere in dialogs - for labels it would be nice, too: I have to print my trees often, so I got lost during versioning. If I could wish, I would like to have the possibility to include the _real_ current time and date used for the genealogy timeline in a label (something like: "build at %date%, ages are calculated for %timeline%" in the label's field printing to "build at 2006-09-27, ages are calculated for 2000-01-01").
Customers GenoPro version:
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Customers Gamma GenoPro version:
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So... it looks like this feature is gone in the new version. Unfortunate. What I'd love to see is what was talked about in the preceding posts, the ability to give each GenoPro file its own current date. I use GenoPro for several fictional and mythic genealogies, and having a user-defined current date was a nice feature of GenoPro 2007... and as already mentioned, it would be great to have such a feature be file-specific. The absence of the user-defined date is almost enough to make me go back to the old version... except that I don't think I still have my installation file. I'd love to see both of these things implemented (or re-implemented) in the next version... and if I'm just missing where the "Current Date" feature has been moved to, can somebody help me out? Many thanks.
GenoPro: Best. Genealogy. Software. Ever.
Edited: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 by
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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You can change the Reference Date for each GenoMap. To bring the properties of the document, click on File and select Properties. You will see a list of GenoMaps where you may specify the date you want GenoPro to calculate the ages. You may set the date to a past date, or a future date if you wish. |