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Genealogy Software to read Genopro GEDCOM

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Author Can anyone recommend a program that can read the Marriage Date and Place from a GEDCOM file produced by Genopro.
Posted Tuesday, September 26, 2006 - Post #13428
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Can anyone recommend a program that can read the Marriage Date and Place from a GEDCOM file produced by Genopro.

I frequently export a GEDCOM of all or part of a Genopro file to distant relatives and they all come back with the same complaint.
"No marriage date or place imported".
I thought at first I had omitted selecting an option to include marriage data in the export but I can't find one.
Am I missing something?

Most of the relatives I send GEDCOM files use either "Personal Ancestor File" or "Legacy".
Neither of these programs can read marriage data from a GEDCOM produced by Genopro.
They seemed a bit surprised that such basic data could not be read - they don't experience the problem with imports from other programs.

Can someone recommend a program that will read marriage data from a Genopro GEDCOM file?
Posted Tuesday, September 26, 2006 - Post #13430
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I'm not sure that the problem is with the recieving software.

I checked a GEDCOM which was exported from Legacy and compared it to the one I exported from GenoPro.

This is from Legacy:

0 @F69@ FAM
1 HUSB @I119@
1 WIFE @I240@
2 DATE 12 Dec 2000
2 PLAC Jerusalem, Israel
2 SOUR @S28@
3 PAGE No. 859410
3 QUAY 4
1 CHIL @I827@
1 CHIL @I1433@

And this is from GenoPro:

0 @fam00016@ FAM
1 LABEL m. 12 Dec 2000
1 RELATION Marriage
1 MARRIAGES @marr00012@
1 HUSB @ind00073@
1 WIFE @ind00076@
1 CHIL @ind00077@
1 CHIL @ind00078@

0 @marr00012@ Marriage
1 TYPE Religious
1 DATE 12 DEC 2000

You can see the differences where the Marriage date is. In Legacy it is under the Tag 1 MARR and then 2 DATE and 2 PLAC. While in GenoPro theres only 1 DATE. I guess that Legacy is searching in the Import for the same tags and can't find them.

Most of the GEDCOMs I saw had the pattern the Legacy produces, but, unfortunatelly, the GEDCOM protocol gives the programmer a lot of free space to play with those tags.

I guess that Dan will solve this little problem...

Posted Wednesday, September 27, 2006 - Post #13434
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"Most of the GEDCOMs I saw had the pattern the Legacy produces, ...."

My experience is the same.
Isn't the purpose of GEDCOM to enable transfer of data between Genealogy software programs.
I can understand a developer using internal tags for their own purpose but surely this can be converted to a common format when exporting to GEDCOM .

Posted Wednesday, September 27, 2006 - Post #13435
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Matter of interest, what happens when you import the Legacy gedcom to GenoPro?
Posted Wednesday, September 27, 2006 - Post #13439
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appleshaw (9/27/2006)
Matter of interest, what happens when you import the Legacy gedcom to GenoPro?

GenoPro imports the Legacy GEDCOM with the marriage (Union) date and place correctly.

Posted Saturday, October 7, 2006 - Post #13665
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And as a follow up to my previous post I found this reference to Genopro on the "Lost Cousins" website.


There are many family tree programs, some of which can be downloaded free of charge. Two free programs that I have used are Genopro (, and Personal Ancestral File, which can be downloaded from

Family Historian ( is not free, but has received rave reviews - it is also a British program written with local requirements in mind.

All of these programs, even the free ones, will allow you to create family trees on screen, and print them out. All support GEDCOM files (GEDCOM is the standard format for the interchange of genealogical data), although Genopro uses its own file format internally, and does not offer all GEDCOM features.

It appears that I am not the only one to have noticed that.
Posted Sunday, October 8, 2006 - Post #13666
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If you want to send a gedcom file with marriage information, use Ron's gn2xml2ged.vbs utility. As the name implies it converts the xml file to a gedcom. I have just tested it and my (free) copy of Legacy 6 imported it with marriage location & date.

Only change with 2.19 is that the xml file is zipped into the .gno file and so you have to extract it before conversion. Hopefully GenoPro will put the improved gedcom high on the list of updates. I have often noticed in reviews of genealogical software that a poor gedcom feature attracts bad comments
Posted Sunday, October 8, 2006 - Post #13669
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I hope to soon complete a JavaScript version of my gnoxml2ged utility that can be run as a report skin within GenoPro.

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Posted Monday, September 3, 2007 - Post #19099
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Where can I get this utility? I 've got the same problem!
Posted Monday, September 3, 2007 - Post #19102
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The original gnoxml2ged.vbs is no longer available as it is not compatible with the latest GenoPro releases. However a much improved successor is packaged in to the current versions of GenoPro. It is now a GenoPro 'Report Generator' skin - Export to Gedcom and is written in JScript instead of VBScript. Just run GenoPro, and on the drop down list of skins under the Tools/Generate Report menu item you will find 'Export to Gedcom'. If you want to view or modify the code click 'Edit Skin' to extract the skin files into your GenoPro skins folder.

Note this skin generates more compatible Gedcom files than GenoPro's own built-in File/Export to Gedcom feature.

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