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Problems to open Large EMF file on Irfanview

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Posted Friday, October 6, 2006 - Post #13642
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I've noticed for a long time about a problem of opening LARGE emf files with Irfanview and converting it to PNG.

I export the the GNO data to EMF using Genopro and the EMF file seems to be OK when opening it with the Internet Explorer. But when I tries to open this LARG EMF file with Irfanfiew (As recommended by Genopro), I get a very bad quality image even if I try to ZoomIn the emf Image. Trying to convert it to PNG is not helpful because the Source Large EMF file is not opening correctly with Irfanview.

Please look at the Sample Attachment.

Any Idea how to Convert LARGE EMF to PNG?


Here is a sample of a screenshot of the EMF file after opening it on Irfanview


test.png (109 views, 223.06 KB)

Edited: Friday, October 6, 2006 by beraha

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