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I would suggest to add the option of adding persons to picture and not just adding pictures to person. when I loading the picture with many persons on it, i would like to have an option to enter into the Reference Tab and to add the all persons in one screen by picking from the list(like Pick button in Picture Tab of Person Properties). Is it possible to add this feature ? How soon?
Sorry for my poor English.... The relaitionship between us (me and English) could be more more better, but unfortunately it is not....... It's should be happy marriage, but in fact it's just non-sentimental cohabitation
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Liliya_S (11/24/2006) I would suggest to add the option of adding persons to picture and not just adding pictures to person. when I loading the picture with many persons on itThis is a nice suggestion. GenoPro 2.0 is just around the corner. It will be in a future release.
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It's very good feature, that discussed in this topic, but it is not what I ment.... I am suggesting to simplify the process of entering pictures and linking picture to person on the Data Base.
Sorry for my poor English.... The relaitionship between us (me and English) could be more more better, but unfortunately it is not....... It's should be happy marriage, but in fact it's just non-sentimental cohabitation
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For a sample, how it can work please go to http://familytrees.genopro.com/maru-san/ select "Niels Martensen", then click "Abschlussklasse C6" next to sources, then "images/flgb_c6.djvu" , In order to see this your need the DjVu Viewer (browser plugin), which you can download from www.lizardtech.com for free. Each person can have a link to his individual file, which is not implemented. In the future Genopro might be able to handle this without 3rd party tools.
Edited: Friday, November 24, 2006 by
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GenoPro 2.0 is just around the corner. It will be in a future release. "around the corner" = day? week? 2 weeks?? "future release" = GenoPro 2.0? or later? I can't wait until this moment...............
Sorry for my poor English.... The relaitionship between us (me and English) could be more more better, but unfortunately it is not....... It's should be happy marriage, but in fact it's just non-sentimental cohabitation
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You can link several individuals to the same picture.I've made sample file with 3 individuals (A, B and C), all linking the same picture. You need to use the Pick button to accomplish that. In the Table Layout (or the Reference tab), you can see all the objects (individuals, families) linking to that picture. 
Edited: Friday, November 24, 2006 by
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what i suggesting, is must be something like that:step1- create a persons 
step 2 - add picture to one person 
step 3 - go to pictures properties and click "pick" button (not exist today) 
step 4 - you get list of all persons with checkbox 
step 5 - from persons list choose the anoter relevant persons to that picture. 
step 6 - the end. now you have 5 persons linked to picture in few simple steps...... 
P.S I hope, that now it's more clear.......
Sorry for my poor English.... The relaitionship between us (me and English) could be more more better, but unfortunately it is not....... It's should be happy marriage, but in fact it's just non-sentimental cohabitation
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Liliya, Look under your picture of STEP 3 where you pictorilly add a PICK button, and close that "Picture Properties" screen. Then you will see the PICK button that exists under the current picture on "Father's Properties". By using this feature you end up with the result you have suggested, and is already a part of Gernopro as suggested by JcMorin earlier in this post.
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Your suggestion was well understood. I think two buttons will be necessary, Pick Individual and Pick Family to assign individuals and families to a picture.