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Uncertain Pedigree link

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Author How to assign a reliability level to this link
Posted Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - Post #15985
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The existing Pedigree Link has 4 options with a clearly defined status and associated Data Level. 3 of these define the child's relation to the parents. I think that an extra Link 'Probable' would be very useful.

I can think of two main areas where a degree of uncertainty exists in this relationship, which can not be easily marked in GenoPro. At present we have to use Comments, different line characteristics or Custom Tags to indicate that uncertainty may exist.

First situation is where a declared child is suspected to have one or two different parents from the siblings. I know of one such case personally (which I would not want to add to our family tree as the information is confidential). However for medical studies this could be of great importance. If you believe press rumours, then someone creating a pedigree of the British royal family might want to use such a feature.

The second area is ancestry tracing. In many cases you find a family in one parish and the probable birth record of the parents is in a neighbouring parish. If the marriage register names the other parish then it is safe to make a link. However in many cases you have to rely on the absence of alternative data, which is not a sure way of making a link. Similar difficulties can exist within a parish if other evidence is not available. At present I use position on a GenoMap to indicate possible connections, sometimes reinforced by an arrow generated by the Social Relationship.

At present it seems that the alternative approach of modifying the existing Data Level tag is not available - it is created and defined internally. A Custom tag can be created - but would require a fair bit of editing of the Report Generator to have any meaning there.

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