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Author Several requests for enhancement.
Posted Saturday, February 3, 2007 - Post #16185
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Last Login: Thursday, April 11, 2024
Posts: 3, Visits: 26
1) display the age of bride and groom at the time of marriage (like Deceased age).
2) make auto completion work with the keyboard. Now you have to mouse click it, making keyboard only entry more difficult.
3) Find duplicates with fuzzy logic
4) Auto color the individuals display: When the Individual.Birth.Source has an entry, the left upper corner should be colored. When the Individual.Religious record.Source has an entry the upper right should be colored. When the Individual.Death.Deceased.Source has an entry the lower left should be colored en finally when the Individual.Death.Burial.Source has an entry the lower right should be colored, all automatically (if you want to). When there are no entries, leave the colors as they are.
5) Let it be possible for a woman to have a child without a father.

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