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Scots Gaelic / Gàidhlig

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Posted Friday, June 29, 2007 - Post #18291
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Och, it's right down my alley, check your inbox and thanks for the key again!


Do, or do not. There is no try.
Am Faclair Beag iGàidhlig, bathar-bog na Gàidhlig: Firefox, LibreOffice ⁊ mòran a bharrachd
Posted Friday, June 29, 2007 - Post #18290
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Akerbeltz (6/29/2007)
Ok done you a list ... contact you ... easier said than done

You don't need to the whole list.  Something is always better than nonthing.  My philosophy is to improve, even if it is a small step, and the product is not perfect.  With thime, the list will be more and more complete.

are you Dan the chap who emailed me earlier?

Yes, it is me.  My name is Daniel.

Thanks a lot for the little something by the way! I appreciate that, I've done the entire Gaelic project for Google and over the years had nothing but a [censored] t-shirt Ermm

You are welcome.  By the way, if you are member of a genealogy club, that key is good for everyone, even if there are hundred of people.  It is up to you who you want to give your personalized registration key.

Posted Friday, June 29, 2007 - Post #18289
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Ok done you a list ... contact you ... easier said than done, are you Dan the chap who emailed me earlier?

Thanks a lot for the little something by the way! I appreciate that, I've done the entire Gaelic project for Google and over the years had nothing but a [censored] t-shirt Ermm



Do, or do not. There is no try.
Am Faclair Beag iGàidhlig, bathar-bog na Gàidhlig: Firefox, LibreOffice ⁊ mòran a bharrachd
Posted Friday, June 29, 2007 - Post #18286
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Akerbeltz (6/29/2007)
By the way, I see you're missing a number of language names, if you want to I can tidy up that list for you, as a trained linguist it would be a doddle and wouldn't take long as long as the list is unicoded.

That would be great.  If there is anything missing, feel free to contact me.

Edited: Friday, June 29, 2007 by GenoProSupport

Posted Friday, June 29, 2007 - Post #18284
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Sweet, I'm almost there - I'll take it to 100% either way, I don't think you'll find another Gaelic translator with time on his hands in a hurry Hehe

By the way, I see you're missing a number of language names, if you want to I can tidy up that list for you, as a trained linguist it would be a doddle and wouldn't take long as long as the list is unicoded.  Dunno if you can see my email but if yes, you can drop me a line directly.  Otherwise let me know via here if you want me to do something.



Do, or do not. There is no try.
Am Faclair Beag iGàidhlig, bathar-bog na Gàidhlig: Firefox, LibreOffice ⁊ mòran a bharrachd
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2007 - Post #18248
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Our forum is limited to 24 entries per poll, so we picked what we think are the most popular languages.  We plan to bundle all language packs with a 90% completion (see

I have included the Gàidhlig to the localized name (this will be available in the next update in a few days).

Michael, if you complete 50% or more of the Gàidhlig (GD) language pack, I will send you something.

Edited: Thursday, June 28, 2007 by GenoProSupport

Posted Thursday, June 28, 2007 - Post #18247
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Heh, I'd vote for Scots Gaelic but I don't think it would stand much of a chance.  While I'm at it though, could someone please add the language name Gàidhlig to the list? I don't seem to be able to do that myslef from withint GenoPro and at the moment it's showing as GD on the progress page which looks a bit silly!



Do, or do not. There is no try.
Am Faclair Beag iGàidhlig, bathar-bog na Gàidhlig: Firefox, LibreOffice ⁊ mòran a bharrachd

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