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Export of individuals into LDIFF format

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Posted Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - Post #18800
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Hi, dear GenoPro team!

Keeping in mind the long list of different features that you have in your TODO, I think, my suggestion is still worse being considered.

In my opinion, nice to have feature is to export individuals into LDIFF format, which allows the data to be later imported into LDAP server or Mozilla/Thuderbird application.

You can read more in wiki and in bugzilla.

LDIFF Example:

# expanded attribute names
# ( 'street' 'streetAddress' )
# ( 'st'     'stateOrProvinceName')
# ( 'l'      'localityName'

# Building 21
dn: description=Building 21,dc=netscape,dc=com
objectclass: locality
description: Building 21
street: 466 Ellis Street
l: Mountain View
st: CA

# Netscape Communicatons
dc: o=Netscape Communicatons,dc=netscape,dc=com
objectclass: organization
o: Netscape Communicatons
description: Netscape's Mountain View Campus
physicalDeliveryOfficeName: Building 21
street: 466 Ellis Street
l: Mountain View
st: CA
postalCode: 94043
postalAddress: 466 Ellis, Mountain View, CA 94043
registeredAddress: 360 W. Carribean Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089

# John J Smith
dn: uid=jsmith,ou=People,dc=netscape,dc=com
objectclass: person
sn: Smith
cn: John Smith
telephoneNumber: (650) 999-5555
seeAlso: uid=jsmith,dc=aol,dc=com
objectclass: organizationalPerson
title: Software Engineer
registeredAddress: 360 W. Carribean Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
facsimileTelephoneNumber: (650) 999-5555
street: 466 Ellis Street
l: Mountain View
st: CA
postalCode: 94043
postalAddress: 466 Ellis, Mountain View, CA 94043
physicalDeliveryOfficeName: Building 21
ou: People
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
displayName: John Smith Jr.
employeeNumber: 6543
employeeType: Full-time
givenName: John
homePhone: (415) 555-1212
homePostalAddress: 200 Mission Street, Suite 20, San Francisco, CA 93123
initials: J
manager: uid=dmose,ou=People,dc=netscape,dc=com
mobile: (415) 888-1444
o: Netscape Communicatons
pager: (650) 123-4567
uid: jsmith

Edited: Thursday, August 9, 2007 by GenoProSupport
Posted Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - Post #18801
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This is a clear case for a custom report. The report generator can easily do this kind of export.

If you want to give a try, try to customize the Export to SQL report skin.

Edited: Thursday, August 9, 2007 by GenoProSupport

Posted Monday, June 1, 2009 - Post #24143
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If somebody is interested, I have written a minor script, that can be used as a prototype for some script, that does the job. In particular:

- The script reads the GenpMap XML from application (does not work completely right now due to this bug).
- The script connects to remove LDAP server and loads all information into it.

Tested on WindowsXP, GenoPro v2.0.1.6, ActivePerl v5.10.0 (Win32::OLE v0.1709, XML::Twig v3.32, Net::LDAP v0.39) (143 views, 3.58 KB)

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