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Best method for splitting up a GED file?

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Posted Friday, September 28, 2007 - Post #19345
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It's been a while since I've used GenoPro, and I've been asked to upload a portion of my GED file to a database somewhere.

My goal is to pick a root individual in one of my family lines and create a GED containing only him and all spouses/children branches (omitting parents/siblings of said spouses).

Looking at GenoPro, it's not immediately obvious how I would go about doing this. I'm familiar with an older tool called GEDSplit, but that seems antiquated and I'm unable to locate its help file online today.

Is there a better and/or more current tool available anywhere? Would love to see some good recommendations here.

Posted Friday, September 28, 2007 - Post #19346
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I do this often.

Select the individual.

Use the Tool Bar icons.
For a Descendant Tree:-
Select Direct Descendants
Select Mate

For an Ancestral Tree
Select Direct Ancestors
Select Siblings (if required)
Select Mate (if sibling spouses required)

When selection complete Copy then click on File>New and Paste.
Check the result - Copy, Paste and Link any parts left out.

If you like Save the new genomap (or is that genogram?) under a new name.
Then Tools>Generate Report and select Export to Gedcom in the Skin Name drop down box.
Complete the required boxes and Generate the GEDCOM file.

Posted Saturday, September 29, 2007 - Post #19347
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If you have not used it recently you may have forgotten that the best way to generate a Gedcom is through the Report Writer - first GED option on the File/Export menu (choose gedcom skin)

Edited: Saturday, September 29, 2007 by appleshaw

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