I have a male who is currently positioned at -1716 on the horizontal. Because that area of the Genomap is a bit crowded, I want to angle his descent line so it drops down from his parents on the true vertical, angles to the left, and then drops straight down on the true vertical again to connect to him. However, I cannot get the last part of the descent line to be perfectly straight on the vertical- it is always slightly angled.
I suspect that this is because the male is at -1716, and not -1710 (or -1720 etc). Every time I try to adjust the coordinate with the mouse, it will move in increments of 10, so he is always on a coordinate that ends with a '6'. I tried to go into the table view, and type the coordinate manually, but it does not appear to allow you to do that.
Any suggestions as to how to adjust his coordinates so that he ends up on a horizonatal coordinate divisible by 10?
The other alternative is to press the letter G (Snap to Grid) which will allign all the selected objects to the 10-unit grid.
As always excellent support for an excellent program!!