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HTML Report translation of occupancy data into german incorrect

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Author o.DateStart.FormatDateSpan(o.DateEnd),
Posted Saturday, November 3, 2007 - Post #19728
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Skin module: individual.htm

1. Language setting: <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"/>

Individual translation result correct !

2. Language setting: <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="de"/>

Individual translation result incorrect ! "from year 1967 to year 1970" is still english 

3. The result is produced by skin file individual.htm with the following statements

4. It seems that the marked code part which translates start and end data is not language sensitive.

5. Who can tell me in which module the translation of dates is done. I'm sure it's not the Dictionary.xml nor any of the included .vbs modules.


Edited: Thursday, August 27, 2009 by GenoProSupport
Posted Saturday, November 3, 2007 - Post #19731
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As far as I remember, not all the entries to be translated are in dictionary.xml Sad

Posted Saturday, November 3, 2007 - Post #19732
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It looks to me that the individual.htm file is from an older version. The line about the language looks now
meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="@[WriteHtmlLang]@"/
I eliminated the brackets.
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2007 - Post #19736
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maru-san (11/3/2007)
It looks to me that the individual.htm file is from an older version. The line about the language looks now
meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="@[WriteHtmlLang]@"/
I eliminated the brackets.

My original skin file "individual.htm" is part of the downloaded GenoPro version is dated of 12.04.2007-03:25 and has the size 17.534 kb

Beside this, your answer doesn't explain the function of the mentioned statements nor gives it a hint where the language setting of this file is evaluated

Posted Sunday, November 4, 2007 - Post #19745
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Hi, below my line from individual.htm (it is in line 349)

Report.WritePhraseDic "PhOT_" & o.Type.ID, strName, strRelative, StrDateSpan(o.DateStart, o.DateEnd), o.Duration, (i.IsDead Or (o.DateEnd.ToStringNarrative<>""))=False, StrHtmlHyperlink(o.Place), o.summary

it is not the same, than yours (last mod time is 2007 AUG 03, size 18452 byte). Would you please create a new skin from the built-in English narrative report and check individual.htm then?

Previously the English Narrative report could have been found with all of its files under the GenoPro directory. Dan has decided, that in order to avoid accidental mod of the original skins now it is built into the application itself (so with a new genopro install no such files will be visible).

It may happen, that your individual.htm is from before the change.

update: maru-san refers to line 28 in individual.htm, right after the statement. However, if your file is older - as it seems for me as well - this line may be missing.


Edited: Sunday, November 4, 2007 by fbukolyi
Posted Friday, September 19, 2008 - Post #22663
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Attached is the latest translation for Version,
The file config.xml has not been translated yet.

Dictionary.xml (191 views, 127.08 KB)
Posted Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - Post #24545
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Hi Feri, so tell me where else are the other translations done?

Where e.g. are the statements



StrDateSpan(o.DateStart, o.DateEnd)


Both examples are used in the individual.htm and produces english verbs only   

Thanks, Erhardt 

Posted Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - Post #24546
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Hello Feri,

I updated my GenoPro2007 Version (several times) but my Narrative Skins were not updated, i.e the individual.htm is still the version of 2007-04-12 (18kb, 412 lines) which is the one with the above mentioned code in line 344                        

Report.WritePhraseDic "PhOT_" & o.Type.ID, strName, strRelative, o.DateStart.FormatDateSpan(o.DateEnd), o.Duration, (i.IsDead Or (o.DateEnd.ToStringNarrative<>""))=False, StrHtmlHyperlink(o.Place), o.summary

When I replace the line with your suggestion

Report.WritePhraseDic "PhOT_" & o.Type.ID, strName, strRelative, StrDateSpan(o.DateStart, o.DateEnd), o.Duration, (i.IsDead Or (o.DateEnd.ToStringNarrative<>""))=False, StrHtmlHyperlink(o.Place), o.summary

it produces the report error 

Error at line 344, position 24 (individual.htm) generating 'Stiefel-Erhardt-ind00001.htm': Typen unverträglich: 'StrDateSpan' Laufzeitfehler in Microsoft VBScript 800A000D

What can I do to get the Skin you mentioned?

Hopefully that GenoPro is still supported,


Posted Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - Post #24548
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Hello Maru-San,

I tried your german dictionary.xml but the report gives me a lot of errors like theses

Erstelle Bericht nach `C:\Users\Erhardt\3_webs\erhardt-stiefel\stammbaum\deutsch\`

Cloning document stiefelclan_master...
Opening configuration file Config.xml for skin '\Deutsch\* (Deutscher Report)'...
Validating picture cache...
Loading Dictionary.xml...
[0.00] Processing template 'init.htm'...
[0.24] Processing template 'index.html'...
[0.24] Processing template 'default.htm'...
[0.26] Processing template 'toc_individuals.htm'...
[0.35] Processing template 'toc_families.htm'...
[0.40] Processing template 'toc_pictures.htm'...
[0.46] Processing template 'toc_contacts.htm'...
[0.51] Processing template 'toc_places.htm'...
[0.53] Processing template 'toc_sources.htm'...
[0.54] Processing template 'toc_names.htm'...
[0.56] Processing template 'genomap.svg'...
[0.99] Processing template 'genomap.htm'...
[0.99] Unable to find 'AltToggleSvgFrame' in language dictionary!
[1.01] Unable to find 'AltHideSvgFrame' in language dictionary!
[1.01] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('HeaderSvg') failed!
[1.01] Unable to find 'HeaderSvg' in language dictionary!
[1.01] Processing template 'toc_genomaps.htm'...
[1.01] Processing template 'home.htm'...
[1.02] Data argument index {5} out of range for template 'Dieser Genealogiebericht wurde erstellt mit <a
title="Erstelle Deinen Familien Stammbaum in Minuten!" target="_blank"
href="">GenoPro</a><sup>®</sup> Version {0} am {1}.{2}.{3} unter Nutzung eines {4} Musters <i>`{5}`,</i> Version {6}'
[1.02] Processing template 'heading.htm'...
[1.04] Processing template 'style.css'...
[1.06] Processing template 'timeline.htm'...
[1.07] Processing template 'timeline.json'...
[1.09] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('They') failed!
[1.09] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('Were') failed!
[1.09] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('Are') failed!
[1.31] Processing template 'toc_timelines.htm'...
[1.31] Processing template 'individual.htm'...
[1.32] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('Has') failed!
[1.32] Unable to find 'Spouse_' in language dictionary
[1.34] Error in WritePhraseDic - Not enough arguments for template '{ }{\U}{!0}[[{?4}e] Patenonkel[{?4} waren[{?3}/sind]][{?!4} war[{?3}/ist]] {1h}][[{?1} und {!0}]e Patentante[{?5}n waren[{?3}/sind]][{?!5} war[{?3}/ist]] {2h}].'. Argument index {4} is out of range.
[1.34] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('Was') failed!
[1.34] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('were') failed!
[1.34] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('Had') failed!
[1.35] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('Is') failed!
[1.35] Error in WritePhraseDic - Not enough arguments for template '{ }{\U}[{?!5}[{?4}{!4} Kontakteinzelheiten:- ]][Telefon: {0} ][Handy: {6}][Fax: {1} ][Email: {2h} ][URL: {3h}].'. Argument index {6} is out of range.
[1.48] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('are') failed!
[9.12] Processing template 'family.htm'...
[9.14] Error in WritePhraseDic - Not enough arguments for template '{ }{\U}{!0} [{?!1|2|3|4|5|6}[{?7^8}][{!}wurden]][{?1|2|3|4|5|6}wurden][{?9} ]{!9} [ {1}]{2}{3h}[ vor[[{?!5} ] {4}][ mit dem Namen {5}]] getraut[[{?4|5} und als] Zeugen kamen {6}].'. Argument index {9} is out of range.
[9.15] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('TheyAlso') failed!
[9.15] LanguageDictionary.Lookup('have') failed!
[9.15] Error in WritePhraseDic - Not enough arguments for template '{ }{\U}{!0}[{?4} ]{!4}[ {!1} {2h}][{?2^3}, und ]{3h}.'. Argument index {4} is out of range.
[11.66] Processing template 'place.htm'...
[12.07] Processing template 'source.htm'...
[12.09] Error in WritePhraseDic - Not enough arguments for template '[Der genannte Nachweis[{?0|1|13} ist dem Quellenträger][ `{13}`[{?0|1}]][ der {0}ten Ausgabe ][ der Serie {1}[, des Bandes {2}]] entnommen[[{?0^1}[{?!2}]], welcher[ vom Herausgeber `{3}`][ {4h}]{5}] veröffentlicht wurde[[[{?3}[{?!12}]] [{?3^12}] und welcher von {9} geschrieben wurde][[{?9} ][{?3}[{?!9}]] und {12h} aufbewahrt wird]][ unter der ISBN {10}][ (Ref: {14}[{?14^8} / ]{8})].][ Der Ursprungsheber/Autor war {6}.][{\br}{\U}Bitte hier klicken [ <{11h}>]um weiteres Material anzuschauen, welches zu dieser Quelle gehört.][ Dieser Quellennachweis kann als {15} angesehen werden.][{\br}{\U}{7}.]'. Argument index {15} is out of range.
[12.12] Processing template 'picture.htm'...
[14.86] Processing template 'contacts.htm'...
[14.92] Processing template 'places.htm'...
[15.05] Processing template 'pictures.htm'...
[15.30] Processing template 'popup.htm'...
[15.31] Processing template 'sources.htm'...
[15.33] Processing template 'gmap_place.htm'...
[15.35] Processing template 'gmap_places.htm'...
[15.36] Processing template 'gmap_places.js'...
Generated 1517 pages (86 pages unchanged, 1431 pages written) in 15.413 seconds
average performance of 98.42 pages per second
[15.41] Writing extra file 'FamilyTree.gno'...
28 errors encountered while generating report!
[15.50] Writing files from skin...
[15.55] Writing 461 pictures to report...
[20.52] Report Ready! Click on the "Close" button to continue.

So what does that mean?
Please give me a hint!

Thanks a lot, Erhardt

Posted Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - Post #24549
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Over the time I have updated my file with minor corrections and improvements, see attachments.
However when looking at the list of failures reported, it looks to me that only the dictionary file was replaced in a previously created customized Narrative Report.
To get a proper report it is essential to create from scratch a new Narrative report by copying the original Narrative report and rename the folder, and then replace 2 files in this new folder with the attachments. No other files have been modified or translated!

update: it is recommended to download the latest modified Narrative report, since my dictionary file is based on that report.

Dictionary.xml (235 views, 128.87 KB)
Config.xml (241 views, 23.38 KB)

Edited: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 by maru-san

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