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Using old GNO files in new program

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Posted Thursday, February 29, 2024 - Post #43860
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Yes, GenoPro 2020 opens all its previous versions. We worked a great deal to maintain backward compatibility.
Posted Monday, February 5, 2024 - Post #43781
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You can obtain old versions of Genopro from
Download the version you need and load the old file.
You then need to export it as XML format.
This can then be imported in to any version of GenoPro and saved in the current format
Posted Monday, February 5, 2024 - Post #43780
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Is it it possible to read an old .gno file with GenoPro 2020? The old .gno file has more than 100 entries and it was created with version 1.91b.
Posted Monday, December 28, 2009 - Post #25164
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Normally I find that Genopro2007 will open files created using v.1.9. Most files from v.2 Beta versions need to be exported to xml.
As you have an xml file you should be able to open it. However you will need to choose this format in the File Open dialog.
If this does not work then open the xml file in Notepad, or even a Word Processor (as Ascii text) and about the fourth line should specify the version of Genopro used to create your files. If it was something like you will need to get that program from the archive, load your file and export as xml
Hope this gets you back into your Family History
Posted Thursday, December 24, 2009 - Post #25147
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Your GenoPro Gold registration is valid for GenoPro 2007, and, in any case, the unregistered version of GenoPro 2007 is not crippled except when saving trees with more than 25 individuals.

Can you open your .gno file in GenoPro Gold? If not, then your .gno file may be corrupted. If you have an .xml verison of the file, then this can be opened in GenoPro 2007 - just specify an .xml file in the Open dialogue from the File menu.
Posted Wednesday, December 23, 2009 - Post #25146
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I am in the same boat.  I have a .gno file and the attendant .xml file where were created when I had the GenoPro Gold software I purchased under  Unfortunately, when I try to open it using the GenoPro 2007 software I just downloaded it gives me an error after trying to open the .gno file: "Cannot import text file because its format is unknown to GenoPro. Please supply a valid XML or Gedcom file."  The .xml file has the same file name as the .gno file and is in the same directory, so it should find it.  Perhaps the shareware version of GenoPro 2007 doesn't have all the bells and whistles built in?  Any ideas would be appreciated.  If I am entitled to an updated version, I would also appreciate that.  Error log is belowOpening file 'C:\...\My Documents\My Geneology\Family Tree Gold.gno'...

Reading file 'C:\...\My Documents\My Geneology\Family Tree Gold.gno'...

Cannot import text file because its format is unknown to GenoPro. Please supply a valid XML or Gedcom file.

Edited: Thursday, February 29, 2024 by GenoProSupport
Posted Monday, November 12, 2007 - Post #19790
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Many thanks for that confirmation, I shall look forward to getting the updated version put onto my pc.
Posted Sunday, November 11, 2007 - Post #19780
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GenoPro 2007 will open old files with no problem and if you check the web site it will tell you about W98. If you bought v.1 then you do not need to pay again for the later version.

It is a greatly expanded program with many more features, including the ability to publish your reports (free) on the GenoPro website  so that other members of the family can see it

Edited: Sunday, November 11, 2007 by GenoProSupport
Posted Sunday, November 11, 2007 - Post #19779
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GenoPro 2007 can read and also write .gno files from GenoPro 1.00 to 1.99.

GenoPro 2007 also runs on Windows 98.

Posted Sunday, November 11, 2007 - Post #19778
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Having had version 1.91b on my computer for ages, I've decided to upgrade, now that I have more time to actually do some family tree research. I havent bought or installed the new version just yet, because I need to know (a) whether it will still run under Win98 and (b) whether the gno files I created in the old version (also under Win98) will still work in the new version.

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