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Why there is no other religions?

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Posted Friday, November 30, 2007 - Post #19986
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Last Login: Friday, November 30, 2007
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We have huge family and some of us Muslim or other religion so when I try to put these kind of informations there is only Christian and rest of all religions under "other" option so I believe there should be at least Muslim and Jews option.

Posted Friday, November 30, 2007 - Post #19987
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I agree with you.  Originally it was only for baptism, however this field started including other form of "baptism" for other religions.  We plans to have a dialog tab dedicated for religion, the same as education and occupations.  I already purchased a book for the taxonomy (classification) of religions.
Posted Thursday, June 6, 2024 - Post #44158
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Why I can't see the Religion tab in the Properties. I'm using the newest version of GenoPro Generally I like this GenoPro app and would purchase the Pro version, just wait first to know how Religion information is recorded and managed by the app. Religion info' is very important in a family and the spiritual/emotional of a person.

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