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Narrative Report Release Candidate

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Posted Thursday, January 10, 2008 - Post #20356
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This post announces a revised version of the Narrative Report and the skin template is attached.

A new feature in this version is a facility to vary the phrase used for certain events, i.e., education, occupation, union, separation to make the narrative more interesting to read and perhaps more accurate. This requires a Custom Tag 'NarrativeStyle' to be present for Education, Occupation , Union for their respective phrases and a tag 'Divorce.NarrativeStyle' for separation phrases. The script uses the contents of this Tag as suffix when looking for the matching phrase in the Dictionary. Preset values in this version are Studying (Education), ServesAs (e.g. for military service), WorksAs and Is (Occupation) and perhaps a little controversially, Engagement,  LivingTogether and FirstMeeting for Unions and Split and Separated for 'Divorce'. As the Union/Separation names suggest, this provides an interim solution to documenting such events, but may not be compatible with future development. Other values can be used provided a custom skin is used with the Dictionary amended to match. (any suggestions?)

This release also fixes the following issues raised in another thread

jcguasp (1/1/2008)

Now these few obs are regarding the Main Web Rep:

6) The most popular places list, on the main opening RP, is not properly sorted anymore:

Yep, the script was performing an alphabetic sort, hence the problem. This is fixed in the attached skin.

7) Still playing around, I added an URL to the source of one of my places (actually the official web site of that place. I hope I'm not infringing any copyright? Please advise.) and noticed the URL takes up the whole RP or Popup Pane, depending where I clicked the URL link from. Any way to keep available the 'close' and 'maximize' icons in these panes?
I don't think this is possible because of the need to have scripting behind the page. I have modified the behaviour so that now the links open a new window. I know this is frowned upon by some web design purists but I am not one of them!

It may also be a good idea to have these 'URL' fields dual-lang compatible. In my 'Place' example, I noticed that some web sites provide an FR and EN versions, which will auto-handily be selected depending on the Rep Gene Lang.
One for the wish list

Also why, in a Place case, do we have to go through a source to add up a URL? Can't this be achieved, directly on the Place Prop Panel:
one for Dan's wish list?

8) This comment is regarding the function strVerb() associated with a separation.
In EN, the past tense is used: e.g. They were separated.
In FR, we use the present tense when both Inds are alive, e.g. Ils sont séparés. When 1 Ind or both are dead: Ils étaient séparés.
In order not to modify too much the code in Util/Lang.vbs, I could get round the problem if:
a.) an 'Is dead?' param is passed.
b.) both present and past tenses are passed.
<!-- 0=nom et partenaire|ils 1=sont|étaient 2=nommés? 3=is dead? 4=sont 5=étaient -->
<PhFR_Separation T="{0h} [{?3}{5}][{?!3}{4}] séparés."/>
In this case, the param {1} will not be used.
Yes I decided instead to remove the are/were param and just have boolean params for 'are alive?' and 'are together?' This seemed better than trying to second guess what each language might require in the script and allows the translator more freedom in the phrasing. Perhaps I'll use this in other phrases in the future.
Actually They are separated is also correct in English if they are both alive. Sometimes both are and were can be OK as in They are divorced or They were divorced, depending on whether we are refering to the act of divorcing (were) or the state of being divorced (are).

9) Unicode problem?: (in Picture List and family line on SVG)
Scripting error actually. The text was being double HTML encoded. The SVG bug was also reported earlier in another post.

Update 2008/01/12 changed Dictionary.xml to fix PhOccupation phrase lone 'for' when no Company present.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Friday, January 11, 2008 by Ron
Posted Tuesday, January 15, 2008 - Post #20464
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To Ron:
I didn't fully tested your new but I found the following:
1) in lang.vbs, 'strGender' has not been added at the end of the param list for:
 - PhChildRank
 - PhOnlyChild
2) 'strGender' could also be added in PhPL_... and in PhTL_Birth & _Died phrases
3) In Dic, the comments on <PhFR_...> should be corrected to:
 1=both alive?, 2=still together?, 3=Named?
Thank you Ron,
Posted Wednesday, January 16, 2008 - Post #20475
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Thanks once more JC fro your great help in developing these reports, particularly the translation and multi-language features. I will look into these latest points later today. 

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

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