Sorry for my poor English.... The relaitionship between us (me and English) could be more more better, but unfortunately it is not....... It's should be happy marriage, but in fact it's just non-sentimental cohabitation
The amendment made is within the skin template files and not GenoPro itself. You should rename your existing custom skin if it is still called Customized English Narrative Report. Then select 'English Narrative Skin{EN}' as the Report Skin within GenoPro and then click the 'New Skin' button to create a new custom skin to whcih you should re-apply any amendments previously made to customize your skin. This ensures you have a consistent set of files in the template.
Your 1st error with 'StrPlainText' indicates to me that at that time your skin files were not derived from the same version. I have double checked the copy of genomap.svg in and it does contain the amendment.