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How the " " buttons for Permanent ID should work?

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Posted Thursday, January 17, 2008 - Post #20494
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Last Login: Sunday, January 21, 2018
Posts: 41, Visits: 644
I thought that the Previous and Next> buttons on Individual/Family tab should propose the closest free ID but it does not work for me (the newest version of GenoPro
When I push the buttons it offers the closest ID but they are already assigned and I have to try another one. At the same time the buttons skip some numbers - for example:
ID was "I91" and I do not want this one. I push the Next> button and the system offer
ID "ind00093". But this ID is already assigned. Push again, and the offer is
ID "ind00095", again occupied, next
ID "ind00107" - bingo! Now the ID was not assigned.

Is it Ok or is there a bug?

Edited: Thursday, January 17, 2008 by imcon

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