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pix in the right place?

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Author I've just uploaded photos to GenoPro's server "/pictures" via the GenoPro FTP Client.
Posted Sunday, April 20, 2008 - Post #21431
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Greetings All,

I've just uploaded photos to GenoPro's server  "/pictures" via the GenoPro FTP Client. But now I don't know how to get them into the right place (right person) so they can be seen on the web for other family members.

Ideas? Thanks. Mark Smith

Posted Sunday, April 20, 2008 - Post #21433
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You need to include the pictures in the GenoPro document itself, and the report generator will take care of the rest, that is generating the HTML pages and uploading the pictures.

The FTP Client is for fine-tuning the report, such as uploading a specific page without the use of the report generator, or deleting an unwanted file (the report generator can only upload and update files; it cannot delete files in a report).

Posted Sunday, April 20, 2008 - Post #21434
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You need to include the pictures in the GenoPro document itself" I have about 6 different family members (genomaps) within the root directory of the "Dace" family. Yes, when I have previously uploaded (added) pix to one genomap, all the others were now gone. So I had to generate the entire report in order to add one little photo.

In previously asking about this in this forum, someone mentionmed the FTP Client as a solution to this problem. So, "The FTP Client is for fine-tuning the report" is what I thought I was trying to do.

Now I just noticed your "the report generator can only upload and update files" (not pages). I've looked, but how would I update a specific file (photo) in the report generator so it does get into the correct document?

Thanks, Mark

Edited: Sunday, April 20, 2008 by GenoProSupport

Posted Sunday, April 20, 2008 - Post #21435
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Also, when I have selected Generate Report > Report Data Source > Select report for GenoMap Helen Smith, it seems to behave as if I had selected "Select report for whole document Smith Family Tree. All the other maps are gone.

I also have a Select report for current GenoMap (Helen Smith). Would this be better? I am confused as to the two (GenoMap, and Current GenoMap).

Under "Destination folder for generated report" I select my GenoPro account: genopro://

Edited: Sunday, April 20, 2008 by GenoProSupport

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