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Hi, I made up the subject using VBScript. A big thank you to Ron who had a look at the script and amended as appropriate.. 1) The script only works when only 1 Individual has been selected from within a GenoMap. 2) The script should cater for 999 generations. I suppose, enough for everyone! 3) There is no support for MS Word nor OO but you can copy and paste the produced Html page into your word processor, if you wish. 4) In case of an Adopted or Fostered ancestor, the script will not display the Adoptive nor Fostered family of that ancestor and will stop reporting on that particular 'terminated/end' tree branch. 5) I suggest you install the decompressed Dir into your Skins folder, along with your other Reports. 6) There is now support for Language setup/translation. A subset of the main Dic has now been included in the folder. The provision of such Dic was necessary to cater for the translation business, for HTML encoding and for the proper display of Dates. One of the .zip file is the FR folder that I prepared (decomp and copy to your Skins folder). For other Users Languages, you'll have to create your folder and prepare your sub-Dic, modelled on the EN sub-Dic (you can copy some required sections/tags from your main Dic).If any problems found, please report/revert on this forum. This is an open source script and feel free to modify it to suit your needs. JC Update 15 Jul 2008: Added EN & FR Reports with Ahnentafel numbering system (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahnentafel) and generations numbers selection.
Customized Ancestors Report.zip
3.91 KB)
Rapport d'ancetres.zip
3.91 KB)
Customized Ancestors Report Ahnentafel.zip
4.45 KB)
Rapport d'ancetres Ahnentafel.zip
4.46 KB)
Edited: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 by
Customers Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Well done, JC.
The report includes only dates if a full date or month and year is available. If only the year is known, nothing will be reported. Otherwise ok.
Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Customers Translator GenoPro version:
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Good point. This is because, apparently, Genopro doesn't handle a Date made up of a Year the same way as a full Date (with a day, month & year).I changed some codings and updated the initial .zip file. JC
FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Customers GenoPro version: FTPClient1
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Thank you JC. It's a good report skin.
Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Customers Translator GenoPro version:
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Hi, I modified again the Sub and updated the initial posting text and .zip file. The good point is the script now supports Language translation.Talking about translation, here is a question for Genopro: To help Users, I have a Log.Msg in the script saying: "... (Use 'Edit -> Clear selections in all GenoMaps' to ..." Question: How can a Report script access a system text string, based on the Genopro Localization Lang. The concatenation example I've got in mind is something like: Report.LogError "... (Use '" + Method(Menubar.Edit) + " -> " + Method(MenuItem.ClearSelectionsInAllGenoMaps) + "' to ...)." thus making translation not required. So can Genopro provide a property or method to access system text strings (Menu strings in my case)?. It will be handy, straightforward and error free. Thank you, JC
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JC, I had tested on individuals with not equal ancestors on either father`s side and mother`s side and came up with numbers which are not correct. If the father is 2, his father will be 4 and his father is 8 and the wife is 9. This number 8 can not be given to any other person. If any person is missing in the ancestor line up, then a calculated number is used for the existing ancestors, not the next number. (me=1); 1.Gen: (f1=2xme,m1=(2xme)+1); If somebody has the number 56, then he is a male and his father has the number 112, the son had the number 28.update to show the difference:

Hope this makes it clear.
Edited: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 by
Important Contributors FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Customers Translator GenoPro version:
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The listing I've done shows a simple sequencial numbering system, i.e. not gap/jump in-between numbers.If the example you shown above is the 'International Standard' for this so-called 'Kelule' ancestors list, then I will remove the said 'Kelule' name from my initial posting and suggest you alter/modify yourself the coding in 'Ancestors.htm' file as this is an 'open source' file. JC
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I've been looking for this report for a long time. Thank you for posting it.Can you change the numbering of the individuals in a way that child=n, father=2n and mother=2n+1? If no parents then skip that numbers. In Dutch this is called a 'kwartierstaat'.