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displaing age on the online tree

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Author displaying age
Posted Friday, June 13, 2008 - Post #21881
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Last Login: Monday, August 29, 2011
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Using the program on my computer, I really liked the ability to show the age of the people shown on the family tree. I have noticed that once you import it online the age no longer shows. Is there a way to set it up so that the age of each person is displayed with in the box or circle in the family tree online.

Posted Friday, June 13, 2008 - Post #21882
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I presume you mean the SVG genograms in the Narrative Report. I have not included  ages as I considered the report is a static snapshot at a point in time. If ages were included one or more could be wrong when viewed the very next day.

I guess I could have included ages for dead people, and theoretically it should be possible to store the DoB in the SVG and write a javascript routine to recalculate the ages and amend the SVG XML DOM each time an SVG genogram is displayed. But this is not something I am considering (don't mind at all if anyone else fancies taking it on). Could get quite complicated with all the different calendars, but there is javascript out there already to handle this. This would not be possible with the PDF format that I am working on anyway.

'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"

Edited: Friday, June 13, 2008 by Ron
Posted Saturday, October 4, 2008 - Post #22782
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I second the request for posting age in the SVG display.

I have no problem that it's a snapshot, since my tree is constantly changing and is only as good as the day I publish it.  I think the date is in one of the corners of the SVG chart, isn't it?

I would be happy if you could just plug in the dates, vs creating any fancy javascripts.

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