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Author Add subforum Svenska-Swedish, please!
Posted Friday, June 20, 2008 - Post #21939
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The header says it all...

I am currently back in the game and would like to make sure that GenoPro works also for Swedish users, and would like discussions to be available here on the forum.


I found out I have a problem though..
The dictionary file has a comment:
"Each enumeration can be automatically generated by GenoPro from the Tag Definitions dialog (Menu -> Tools -> Tag Definitions).
Just double-click on an enumeration, and paste the content of the clipboard in this file.

However, I can't get this to work... Is there something I'm missing? The enumerations won't display in a way that is easily copied...

And, ahem, I have thought about this for a long time without commenting, but I still react to the use of the word "plurial"... It's frenglish, right? Plural is the english spelling... Wink

Edited: Friday, June 20, 2008 by Anna
Posted Saturday, June 21, 2008 - Post #21940
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You need to double-click on the hyperlink.  For instance, if you double click on the Gender enumeration, you will get the following:

<Gender _Blank="Unknown Gender">
  <M T="Male"/>
  <F T="Female"/>
  <P T="Pet"/>

... I still react to the use of the word "plurial"... It's frenglish, right? Plural is the english spelling... Wink

Me too.  I made several typos in GenoPro and they are there to stay.  If I change them, it will break compatibility.  I think users prefer their report to work than having an internal keyword spelled properly.  Next time there is a major upgrade in the architecture of the report generator, I will fix those typos.  I have list of typos and "XML fixes" for next time I change the file format.

Edited: Saturday, June 21, 2008 by GenoProSupport

Posted Saturday, June 21, 2008 - Post #21941
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I think you should not bother too much about this Enumeration comment.
I double-clicked on the 'Marriage Type' Enumeration and, after pasting in Dictionary, I got this:

You can see that the Dictionary Enumeration items are more suitable for insertion into a phrase. The pasted one is rather a collection of straight items. This pasted operation should eventually be useful for the Dic translation purpose, assuming you localized GenoPro in Swedish first. 
Having said that, I already posted Missing bits and pieces for translation (my point 5 at the end and Ron's answer 18745, also at the end) regarding these Enumerations in Dictionary because, besides a few of them, the majority of these Dictionary Enumerations are actually not used by the report generator! So no need to translate them all, if not mistaken.

After another checking, it appears that only a few Enumerations are not used in Dic. They are:
- <EducationLevel>
- <OccupancyType>
- <OccupationTermination>
- <PlacePrefix> (not too sure about this one)
- <YesNoUnknown>
All the others, contrary to what I said above, are used for Phrases formating and/or SVG tooltips.

Edited: Saturday, June 21, 2008 by jcguasp

Posted Saturday, June 21, 2008 - Post #21944
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Thanks for the explanation on the hyperlinks! I guess I was just a bit "offline" while trying to make it out.

There are a few points I could suggest to make translation easier. But first: What a totally wonderful thing it is to find the "phrase editor" under tools!!! Before it, I had to change my test-genogram over and over in order to manually find out what happened in case I had other entries... Error troubleshooting was soooo heavy work, and now it's "type and go"!

I LOVE it!

And I do hope no-one minds that I commented on the typo? I mean no harm. I'm just born a perfectionist, and hope that such a "talent" may come in useful for the perfection of this great program that I have followed almost from scratch... It is getting there.

So: For my suggestions for the translations!
My friend who works as a professional translator has a translators workbench, which automatically makes a "rough" translation of the next sentence that pops up. And, if she decides on using a new word for something considered an important key, it will stop and double check that it is a thought-through move on her part, not a lapse or a typo.

I do NOT intend for you to reinvent a horribly expensive translator tool, but I'd love to see the translation interface expanded a little:

Could we have a section available as a first table, where the very specific GenoPro terminology is set once for all, so that when several people are collaborating, they will all use the same term?
Things like GenoMap, Genogram, drop down menu, things that people reading explanations or asking questions will need to have a common language for? Just so that there is no confusion later on.

The part of the lists that are in the "shared tag name" might simply be possible to edit all at once in one single table. Also, that would make assignment of key shortcuts easier to handle, in order to avoid having different short cuts in different drop down menus. I hate it every time that I find an instance where the same shortcut appears in the same dialogue and I can't see which one shoud rather have the letter "A", since I didn't see them all at once to start with.

So, if they were all available as one table, it would make things neater.

Next, since some of these words pop up over and over again, I'd love an option where every instance of the "keywoirds" could be changed with a "find and replace" function.
Is there already a possibility of getting all my translated terms presented in a single xml-sheet where I can search all at once?

And: Would it be possible to connect them already while typing...?

Of course, if there is any type of programming or thinking involved that I can do, I'm offering to do it.

Posted Saturday, June 21, 2008 - Post #21945
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Oh... and of course: Could we add the phrases, as we want them to appear in the dictionary for making fluent narrative reports, also appear in the same ection of translation, as all other enumerations, so noone needs to risk having the language in their dictionaries differ to much from that in the dictionary.xml file? The translation menu will most likely be what most translators can use, since it requires no programming skills.

And, I know that I am pushing it now...
Can we start using the dictionaries already translated also for the little bits still in english in the phrases in the dictionary.xml, so that instead of "him", it already has the translated term from the dictionary put in..?

I'm kind of thinking of having a template file for the dictionary.xml that has references to the translated terms. That when you press the "new skin" button on the "generate report", it will not only copy all the skin files to a new folder, but also recreate the dictionary.xml, to include only localized words from the translated menues where possible...

Thus, when the dictionary file gets updated, there is no hard work finding out where the changes have been, as compared to your own translated version of it...

Oh dear, I am actually suggesting we move ALL the stuff currently in the dictionary.xml file into the translation menues, and create a program that steals the enumerations in there, and the terms, and is no longer needing any input from our translators whatsoever...
I can see how that will take some time and effort to implement..

So, can I join?
Posted Sunday, June 22, 2008 - Post #21947
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Sorry for spamming, but I'm spending a few days trying to get the Swedes happier...
Is there a consensus on how to deal with specific GenoPro terminology? Do you prefer GenoMap to stay "GenoMap" or can I translate it?

Most Swedes read english more or less fluently today, and the language is full of english terms, so the only time I do hesitate is when a word means different things in the two languages. We have a swedish word "mapp" meaning "folder". The swedish word for map is karta. Hence, keeping "GenoMap", pl "GenoMappar", makes it sound like a "GenoFolder". Translating it, "GenoMap" would become "GenoKarta", but I think of those two, GenoPro and GenoMap as being "protected tradenames", that should remain untranslated.

What is your view? And, what other terms, if any, do you want preserved as they are?
Posted Sunday, June 22, 2008 - Post #21948
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Ref your last post.
In French, we adopted 'GénoCarte' for GenoMap. See posting if you can understand French.
I don't think Genopro will object if you choose 'GenoKarta', possibly with capitals G & K to keep consistancy.
Posted Sunday, June 22, 2008 - Post #21950
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Thank you for linking! Yes, I understand french, and agree.
So, then, GenoKarta is a consensus desicion then? One GenoKarta, several GenoKartor.

Add it to your swedish dictionaries, folk!
And: Will you give me my forum "Svenska - Swedish", so I can place this kind of discussions in a neat place? I'd also love those language forums to be sorted alphabetically once they become too many for scrolling!

(This is also an example of why I would like the one-in-all search-and-replaceable file for translated terms: I could fins all instances of GenoPro in english and double check noone has used a different Swedish name in any position... Luckily it's just me doing the translations right now but that can change...)
Posted Sunday, June 22, 2008 - Post #21953
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Realized how the enumeration hyperlink works: Just needed a different editor for it to paste properly!
It is brilliant! Thanks!

But, it takes a bit of trying to find out how to do it. I find it really hard to get the enumerations from "Officiator, Body Disposition, Cause of Death"!
I can not doubleclick the links since there is an "explanation popup" that covers the link once I move the mouse over it.

Can I disable that help function in order to get the enumerations?
I get to the point where I can right click and ask for the option to copy the cell content if I fiddle a bit, but I can't possibly reach the text hidden in the link; the copied text is the same as the help text.

May I be as bold as to ask one of you to help me..? You can perhaps check if your programs act the same if you set language to Swedish? Then I would know if this is perhaps a setting caused by Ubuntu... And, if you suceed in getting the enumeration text, you could mail it to me..! Wink

I think that text should be there only if the text is longer than the cell, and thus it works if I make the cells longer for most of them, but I can't seem to make it long enough for the largest enumeration sections!

Edited: Sunday, June 22, 2008 by Anna
Posted Sunday, June 22, 2008 - Post #21954
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These are not help tooltips. These tooltips are actually showing the full Enum lists. You can still double-click on the cells, ignoring the tooltips.

I attached your 3 Enums.


Missed Enums.txt (226 views, 1.91 KB)

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