<PhBurial T="{  }{\U}{!0} {1!=burial was}{2}{3h}." <PhBurialTxt T="{!0} {1!=burial was}{2}{3}." />
This phrase drops the word "was".
contact details is cluttered, added spaces, and removed the "-" after details:
<PhContact T="{  }{\U}[{?!5}[{?4}{!4} kontaktinfo: ]][ Telefon: {0} ][ Mobil: {6} ][ Fax: {1} ][ E-post: {2h} ][ Websida: {3h}]."/>
(summary ph is good)
<PhDivorce T="{  }{?0}Deras äktenskap [{?1}was][{?!1}{1=was}] upphävdes][{?!0}[{?1|2|3|5|6|7}De skildes ]]{1} {2h}[ {4h} ][, makens jurist var {5h}][[{?5} och][{?!5},] makans jurist var {6h}].[ Den genomfördes av {7h}.]" /> <PhDivorceTxt T="[{?0}Deras äktenskap [{?1}was][{?!1}{1=was}] upphävdes][{?!0}[{?1|2|3|5|6|7}De skildes ]]{1}{2}[ {4}][, makens jurist var {5}][[{?5} och][{?!5},] makans jurist var {6}].[ Den genomfördes av {7}.]" />
Here there is need for the extra space between {1} and {2h} (yellow), and the argument 3 is never used.