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I strongly suggest to release Genopro with reports in languages different than English as a standard product.I am not publishing my work due we have no spanish dictionary available since 3 updates ago...  Please consider that most of Genopro users, practice Genealogy....some (not in my case) may have the skills and time to do translations and programming...and the willingness to share it. Unfortunately HAEP have had no time this year to continue editing the spanish dictionary...and until now we have no solution...this is a real case for the most used language after english for Genopro.... Vox populi ...
Edited: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 by
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This problem was bound to happen sooner or later. Haep produced the ES Dic (and I produced the FR one). Haep has no time now to continue working on the Dic. And what if I have, for any reason, no time either to continue the FR one? Comments also valid for the other 7 Dics already produced by other Users. I think Genopro has to come up with a solution in such case: 1) Maintaining the Dic themselves following the Genopro Software revisions or 2) passing it over to some other Users willing to continue the work?Can Genopro ellaborate on this? What about ccampos above suggestion? Thank you, JC
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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The report generator has evolved beyond what we could dream about GenoPro's reports, however those reports are far more complex to localize / translate. Nobody at GenoPro understands Spanish, and therefore cannot do the Spanish version. So far, all the localization of GenoPro was done by users wishing to translate a piece of the software.
Edited: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 by
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Well, isn't this a simple matter of economy?
If GenoPro wishes to supply a translation, there are people who will do it, if paid! So, is it too expensive to include it as a standard? Then there is the option of making it available at a price. Look at popular games such as SIMs, how they all have "expansions" that ppl are willing to pay for.
The reason I'm saying this is that I work for a company that takes in jobs just like this, and, if they were offered payment, they'd gladly give me the time to do it at work. Today, I do it at home, unpaid, and that does of course affect the number of hours I can put in.
So, I assume there would be grounds for doing a litle market research and then, if there are enough users willing to pay, hire a pro to do the translations and sell them as an addon to the program.
GenoPro is an interesting fenomenon in that is is both a normal company and a bunch of idealistic ppl doing stuff pro bono. But don't forget there is always the option of using money to get things done! 
I'm starting to believe that once I'm finished with this LOOOONG overdue translation to Swedish (my daughter got seriously ill and spent this year in hospital..), I believe that I could quite easily do translations into Spanish too, since at that stage I will be thoroughly familiar with the documents.
But I can't see me doing it at nights after work.
What WOULD make a difference is if we could make a simple script that looks through the online translations of words and phrases that is already there for anyone to edit, and merged them into the dictionary.com in all the right places for a quick start! That would also ensure that the same terminology is used. As it is today, one needs to compare them manually, which is time consuming (those that are not simply enumerations).
Most of the phrases could be entered into the online system, so that most of the work could be done jointly. Once there is some kind of agreement that the phrases there are correct, just one person needs to do the merging, so more ppls talents and time can be used to do the actual translations.
I'd love it if there was a way also to enforce certain words throughout the program (again, the online translation dictionary), so that once set, the program treats them all as one single variable. For instance, if the word "hostile" is set, it will automatically appear in each place where it recurrs, so the translators will not accidentally use a different term.
Administrators Moderators Customers Gamma FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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GenoPro compensated everyone who worked on the translation. Depending on the contribution, we give from a registration key to money via PayPal. Since we are not capable to evaluate the translated work, we do not advertise about paying people for such work, because we may end up with someone doing the translation only for the money, leading to a poor quality.The report generator is extremely difficult to translate, far more than translating the menus, buttons and error messages.
Customers FamilyTrees.GenoPro.com Translator GenoPro version:
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Hm. Good point... You would not know if the translation worked correctly unless you had native testers...
Customers GenoPro version:
Last Login: Sunday, May 30, 2021
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I will be happy to be a beta tester of the spanish version : :