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Connecting to active GenoPro instance

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Author How is it possible to connect to running GenoPro instance and fetch the contents of currently opened file?
Posted Friday, May 15, 2009 - Post #24073
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In my tests I always get NULL as a result of GetActiveObject(). Is there any example of using any other COM API call except GetObject("file") (on any programming language)?
Posted Thursday, May 14, 2009 - Post #24070
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dma_k (5/6/2009)
How is it possible to connect to running GenoPro instance and fetch the contents of currently opened file?

I would believe so.  The easiest way is to launch GenoPro from your Perl application so you have an handle of the instance, then you fetch the data.  Finding the running instance of GenoPro may require you to use a different API than GetActiveObject().

Posted Wednesday, May 6, 2009 - Post #24046
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Dear support!

I try to connect to running instance of GenoPro from Perl application using Win32::OLE library:
my $genoProApp = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('GenoPro.Application') or croak "Unable to connect to GenoPro instance. Make sure GenoPro is running.";

print $genoProApp->GetTextXML();

however, as I understood, the automation object with such name does not exist in the system. How is it possible to connect to running GenoPro instance and fetch the contents of currently opened file?


Edited: Thursday, May 14, 2009 by GenoProSupport

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