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Author Edit multiple records at once
Posted Friday, May 8, 2009 - Post #24056
Junior Member

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There are some changes that apply to more than one individual. I.e. If a family moves house all of the members have a new contact address.

When you come across such changes it is a real pain to have to go into each member of the family and enter the same details onto the 'Contact' tab. It would be great if you could just select a range of individuals, right click and select properties, select the 'Contact' tab, enter the new details and apply it to all selected individuals simultaneously.

I've just entered the addresses shown on the Census returns for 1841, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 and 1911 for all individuals on my family tree and it's taken days to do. If I could have batch entered the data on a family by family basis it would have only taken a few hours!

Edited: Thursday, May 14, 2009 by GenoProSupport
Posted Tuesday, July 28, 2009 - Post #24384
Legendary Master

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The best way is using the Table Layout (Ctrl+T).  When you edit a contact using the Table Layout, all the shared contacts are automatically updated.  With the Table Layout, you may also consolidate contacts, so if you have duplicate entries, you can merge them.

See Consolidating Contact Records

Edited: Tuesday, July 28, 2009 by GenoProSupport

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