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Hi Guys,
I am hosting my 1300 page site on an independent server and would like to generate a sitemap.xml file to aid search robots etc in finding all my pages. (Currently google is only keen to index about 200 pages!)
The current report generator does not have this specific ability. Is it something that perhaps other users would also like and are there any plans for the GenoPro developers to build this utility? Failing this, are there any 3rd party applications you would recommend that could parse the generated report and then subsequently create a sitemap.xml file?
As I'm sure you would agree, this request is not 'mission critical' but one of the objectives of genealogy is to share your findings with others - a sitemap.xml file would do this perfectly.
Thanks in anticipation Joe
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Can you give more information regarding the sitemap.xml. I don`t know what a sitemap.xml would be used... thanks!
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Hi AppleShaw and Support,
This is just a friendly reminder to say that I am still here and regularly look at this thread to see if either of you have been able to progress further with my request. It would appear from the response so far that perhaps I am in the minority with respect to the requirement for a sitemap.xml file for a genealogy website and as such acknowledge the implied time frame.
Things my end have not progressed much either. Google still has not indexed over 1000 of my genealogy pages and Yahoo, Ask, Search MSN, etc are no better.
I fear the inevitable, which is that the status quo remains but hope eternal, that GenoPro includes a sitemap.xml in the future releases of the Report Generator.
Regards, Joe
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The Report Generator already maintains a file of published content in a particular Report including timestamps - see file GenoProCache.xml in the Report directory. Therefore it ought to be reasonably straight forward for GenoPro to produce a sitemap.xml file as well. However I guess the issue is how strong is the demand for it. I feel it outside the scope of the scripted report skin and more in the realm of the Report Generator itself.I know very little about this topic but did give http://www.auditmypc.com/web-master-tools.asp a go and it looks pretty comprehensive so could be worth a closer look by yourself.
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Edited: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 by
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Hi Ron,
I had previously tried to manipulate the GenoProCache.xml into a working SiteMap.xml file but without much success, but your thinking is akin to mine... we are not that far off from having the Report Generator doing it in one!
Thanks for the online SiteMap.xml generator from AuditMyPC. It took about 50 minutes and produced a workable file. Its not ideal but it is certainly the better of a very bad lot out there (don't have to install any perl files onto the server nor run any bloated 3rd party advertising software). The obvious downside is I update my genealogy site regularly (as my research progresses) but will not be updating the SiteMap.xml as often (50 minutes is just way tooooo loooong).
Thanks again for your input, Ron.
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Hi Joe, Yes 50 mins seems a bit heavy so being a retired guy with time on his hands and nothing much decent on the telly I thought I'd give this a shot and the result is the attached custom skin. Just point the Report Destination folder at the existing Report and it will create the SiteMap.xml in the same place. This Report skin reads the GenoProCache.xml file from an existing published Narrative Report and creates a SiteMap.xml file containing refefences to all *.htm files present. The 'last modified date' is converted from the original hexadecimal '100s of nanaoseconds since 1 Jan 1601' to a regular date string (yyyy-mm-dd) as required by the SiteMap protocol. It will produce a result for a report on a local disc as well as from a Web site but of course will not be of much use as Google doesn't index our hard discs (yet :hehe Haven't actually tested with Google but format looks correct to me. The actual .gno you run this report skin from doesn't matter except GenoPro will clone it first to present to the Report Generator so I suggest using an empty .gno. Runs in an instant with the Harry Potter sample so shouldn't take too long with your 1300 pages. Enjoy! Update: in original I had loc & url switched - OK now
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
1.88 KB)
Edited: Monday, June 22, 2009 by
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Hi Ron,
Your photograph belies your wisdom.. for a cheeky 7 year old, you are extremely well versed in the ways of GenoPro...!
Thank you for your development of this SiteMap.xml file. I have run the report generator using your SiteMap skin. There is only one mod I would like to suggest viz-a-vie:
When generating the SiteMap.xml, is it possible to put each tag in the 'urlset' ie 'url' and 'lastmod' on a separate line - the search engine robots are a little bit particular...
As you commented, the skin generates a report based on a local disc. My work around was to do a 'Find and Replace' on the file for local URL (H:\Docs and settings\genealogy\...) and replace it with my full website URL (http://www.example.com/..). It takes about 2 seconds to do the entire file, which is a far cry from the 50 minutes from before, so all good.
On a slightly different note, your SiteMap included 1453 .htm files whereas the SiteMap I generated using AuditMyPC only included 1334 .htm files...? The obvious inference here is that I must have been a bit harsh with my include/exclude rules in AuditMyPC and accidently ommited a few url's - but when it takes 50 minutes per run, 'I ain't doing no re-runs...!'.
Lets hope the rubbish stays on the telly..., the forum needs contributors like yourself.
Thanks Joe
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116984 (6/21/2009) 116984 When generating the SiteMap.xml, is it possible to put each tag in the 'urlset' ie 'url' and 'lastmod' on a separate line - the search engine robots are a little bit particular...
No problem - I have added a 'replace' method call to add and newline between each '><' in the updated attachment to my earlier post ... the skin generates a report based on a local disc....
It will actually work with the 'Web Publishing' option of the Report Generator. Put in the FTP URL you use when publishing and ensure the 'URL Equivalent to Web Connection' is correct. The GenoProCache.xml file is retrieved via this latter HTTP path so could be problematic if a password is required.
'lego audio video erro ergo disco' or "I read, I listen, I watch, I make mistakes, therefore I learn"
Edited: Monday, June 22, 2009 by
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G'day Ron,
I'm pleased to say the googlebot (my main adversary) has done me the privilege of indexing 638 of my genealogy website pages thus far (and every week it keeps adding more). This is a great improvement on the 200 odd page limit the googlebot stuck on for months and this improvement is directly due to the SiteMap.xml file generator you created. For that I and the now increasing number of visitors to my site, thank you.: :
It is extremely rewarding to see others benefiting from my years of genealogy research...